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Please Please Please

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:57 am
by Abbo
Please let this weekends game be on, no disrespect to anyone but some of the posts on the message board have been a little bit dire and it has felt a bit like the close season so hopefully we can get back to slagging each other, slagging the players, slagging the management, slagging the board, slagging that dam cat. But i cant wait for saturday's game to come round it feels like ages since i was sat in the corner of that stand at Bratfurd.

Re: Please Please Please

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:18 pm
by Mark S
You quite clearly either dont know what you are talking about or have far too much time on your hands!

I have every confidence that The Board will get the weather right this weekend and we will see some football.

I predict that Wayne and Danny will be dropped in typical McIlroy fashion, The Board will still be a crappy slot type (whatever happened to Oldhamades campaign for an electronic one?) and Christie The Cat will be too busy licking himself in an intimate place to put in an appearance!

Is that better? ;)

Roll on Saturday! We are all getting withdrawl!

Re: Please Please Please

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:28 pm
by Abbo
Ha ha excellent !!!!!!!!!!