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Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:45 pm
by Aal
Any comments? Should he continue to play.

Always amazes me when high profile guys get mixed up in this sort of nonsense. The amount of money they make, they must realise that they have a responsibility to their club and country.

If any of our lot got involved in this sort of stuff I'd like to think that Sammy would get rid straight away.

And don't get me started on Riccardo Fuller and what he did to his captain, or the gesture he received from said captain in return!!

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:50 pm
by Keith
Aal wrote:Any comments? Should he continue to play.

While I don't particularly like the guy, I do think he deserves a trial before his hanging.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:56 pm
In the eyes of the law we should all be treated the same, so in the true spirit of top flight manager superstar hypocrisy , if found guilty, he should be given a year off, with a 30% pay rise ala Cantona, or Barton, guilty or not, the same rules do not apply to him do they??

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:01 pm
by mounse mk2
The BBC in there true spirit of unbiased reporting must have sent either a Everton/Manure/Chelski fan to report on the incident when he came out with this gem

'and on this photo there appears to be spots of what could be blood, that may or may not have been blood spilled in the incident'.


Innocent until proven guilty.

Still can't help thinking though, i bet when the truth does come out that there is far worse happening in pubs all across this country not just every weekend but every night, that never come close to anyone getting charged/ticked off/arrested etc.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:14 am
by Bare Ben
Aal wrote:
If any of our lot got involved in this sort of stuff I'd like to think that Sammy would get rid straight away.

Nonsense. If so, Craig Stanley would be gone. Liverpool can only stand by him, after everything he's done. After all, it is his club.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:21 am
by Sammy h
This will turn into yet another anti/pro Liverpool thread, awaits onslaught.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:28 am
by Bare Ben
Sammy h wrote:This will turn into yet another anti/pro Liverpool thread, awaits onslaught.

I will gladly join in, of course I am a pro 8-)

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:09 am
by Jody
Bare Ben wrote:
Aal wrote: If any of our lot got involved in this sort of stuff I'd like to think that Sammy would get rid straight away.
Nonsense. If so, Craig Stanley would be gone. Liverpool can only stand by him, after everything he's done. After all, it is his club.
So you're suggesting craig has been involved in assault? Don't quite get what you mean by that one?

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:15 am
by Phoenix
If you want a real laugh about the story, take a look at the link below. The guy that runs the web site is a prat (please don't edit that out, I'm quoting from contributors to his forums). He's got a lifetime ban from SFC and takes every chance to remind us about it. Anyway, back to Gerrard. The site includes a photo with the tagline A builder who is working inside the house declines to comment to a reporter at the front door (via the glass) ... d=50394372

I'd contribute to the discussion on the site but I'm banned for revealing the admin as a liar :lol: :lol: (He claims another site he runs is a franchise which he & a friend joined but don't own. I dug out some facts that he & his friend own it, posted them and got banned)

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:25 am
by Christies Child
To be perfectly honest I couldn't care less whatever happens to any of the so called offenders.

IF they are guilty then no matter who they are, they have like the rest of us to pay for what they are alleged to have done. End of.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:29 pm
by ezz
I'l take a good guess at what happened. He's out with his 5 mates that are also being questioned in southport. Locals out who arn't liverpool fans will have been shouting a load of abuse or crap at him and his mates probably went to shut them up. He probably tried to break it up and the guy who has 'minor' injuries has thought he'd say it was gerrard for publicity etc and to sell a story. Guarentee he'l be innocent.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:03 pm
by Keith
ezz wrote:Guarentee he'l be innocent.

You'll be a Liverpool fan then? How do you factor in the fact that it was the DJ who was taken to hospital?

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:33 pm
by ezz
I dont know who was taken to hospital, i do know they had minor if any injuries though. It just doesn't strike me that Gerrard who has seems to keep to himself would do something like that at a time when Liverpool are in their best position to win the Premiership, the only competition left for him to win and one that he badly wants. Just seems strange that he'd do that to me

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:53 pm
by thegentlegiant
ezz wrote:I dont know who was taken to hospital, i do know they had minor if any injuries though. It just doesn't strike me that Gerrard who has seems to keep to himself would do something like that at a time when Liverpool are in their best position to win the Premiership, the only competition left for him to win and one that he badly wants. Just seems strange that he'd do that to me

Don't forget alcohol can do strange things.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:19 pm
by Phoenix
Don't forget alcohol can do strange things.

But is never an excuse.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:35 pm
by thegentlegiant
Phoenix wrote:Don't forget alcohol can do strange things.

But is never an excuse.

very true i have scares to prove it :lol:

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:12 am
by Aspers
I've used it many a times the next morning when awakening with a munter.

I also think anti Liverpool or just plain wankers were riling hiim and his mates up.
They had just had enough, the local DJ, who is obviously a try hard wannabe celebrity has realised his 15 minutes of fame is here and now and is jumping at his chance.
He can see "get me out of here" TV shows looming so he's going to milk it for everything.

When the dust settles it will be interesting to see how he treats the press who villifed him when they want interviews etc.

I don't even like Liverpool and I'm not a fan of Gerrards (great player though)

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:41 pm
by Bare Ben
I wasn't suggesting Stanners had been involved in an assault, but Aal suggested that "sort of stuff" should ultimately end the players Morecambe career. Craig fell out with Sammy and he was forgiven. It shouldn't it be different because it's a member of the public, especially if he is provoked. I accept it may have turned violent in Gerrard's case but nobody wanted Craig to leave when he had a public fall-out. That was the comparison I was making.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:49 pm
by Jody
I don't understand how you can compare a disagreement (if thats what it actually was seeing as none of us were there) between work colleagues as such, which happened behind closed doors, to someone being arrested, and charged for assault. But hey lets just agree to disagree on this one.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:41 pm
by Aal
There is no comparison with what Gerrard did with the Stanners fall out last year.

But hey if Stanners thumped me in a pub I would no longer follow Morecambe until he was sacked.

Bare Ben wrote:I wasn't suggesting Stanners had been involved in an assault, but Aal suggested that "sort of stuff" should ultimately end the players Morecambe career. Craig fell out with Sammy and he was forgiven. It shouldn't it be different because it's a member of the public, especially if he is provoked. I accept it may have turned violent in Gerrard's case but nobody wanted Craig to leave when he had a public fall-out. That was the comparison I was making.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:19 pm
by Bare Ben
Aal wrote:There is no comparison with what Gerrard did with the Stanners fall out last year.

But hey if Stanners thumped me in a pub I would no longer follow Morecambe until he was sacked.

Bare Ben wrote:I wasn't suggesting Stanners had been involved in an assault, but Aal suggested that "sort of stuff" should ultimately end the players Morecambe career. Craig fell out with Sammy and he was forgiven. It shouldn't it be different because it's a member of the public, especially if he is provoked. I accept it may have turned violent in Gerrard's case but nobody wanted Craig to leave when he had a public fall-out. That was the comparison I was making.

Ok maybe a bad example but you are simplifying the point to just say "If a player thumped me I give up on all of them". I'm sure there are lots of other details in what happened with Gerrard, same as what happened with Sammy and Craig. Oops, did it again :oops: 8-)

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:56 pm
If Stanners is reading this thread he will be, no doubt thinking, wtf has any of this remotely got to do with me, it is ridiculous to bring him into this discussion, it is also stupid to pre judge the alleged victim in the incident, or the charged, but innocent until proven guilty Gerrard.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:37 pm
by Bare Ben
You're right, lets get back on topic, Gerrard is innocent 8-)

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:06 am
by Aspers
unfortunately he's not Ben.
he has already been tried and found guilty by the meeja.

Re: Gerrard charged!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:00 am
by Keith
the real debate is what should happen if he is found guilty? Are footballers in a position where what they do outside of the game should impact upon them inside it? There are plenty of jobs where what you do 'off duty' can result in you being sacked from your job. This guy is paid more than £10,000 per day, so should 'bad behaviour' stop him playing?