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What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:56 pm
by dford
Having stood on the north stand for over 10 years what has happened?

Why o why at the back of the stand (the loudest/True morecambe fans etc) why is it populated with 14 year olds who are probably manchester united or Liverpool fans.

Yes its good that they pay their money like the rest of us but dear god it never used to be like this. when i hear a 12yr old BOY complain about a misplaced pass or sammy's tactics I laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:11 pm
by Duffman
Once upon a time I was a 12 year old Man Utd fan but went to Morecambe games whenever I couldn't get to Old Trafford. After watching Morecambe for years I would consider myself 100% a shrimps fan. My first game was when we got promoted to the Conference when I was 6. Watching my local club and growing up watching them made me more passionate. As I got older I got season tickets, went to away matches and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

You may find them annoying but some of them will be turn out to be season ticket holders, some might go on to have a business and go on to sponsor the team or even be a director, some might even go on to play for the club. The way I see it is the more younger fans we have now the better prospect we have regarding attendances no matter how we fair in the league in the up coming years.

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:15 pm
by Number 1
Apart from the Man United fan part I agree with Callum. If these new fans have been attracted to the club, and are in the very area where the singing is being done, good for them. They should be nurtured and taught the songs, not castigated owing to their immaturity.

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:30 pm
by RedRedWine1
I think its great that younger people (not that old myself) now take an active role in the north stand. Sure, they can be annoying at times. But isn't it great that the level of enthusiasm and pride they show in their local side, whilst also being in such a sizeable number? It was not always the case.

The youngsters seem to take quite a lot of flack on here, often they can't win either. Damned if they do something, and damned if the don't.

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:31 pm
by Harry
dford wrote:Yes its good that they pay their money like the rest of us but dear god it never used to be like this. when i hear a 12yr old BOY complain about a misplaced pass or sammy's tactics I laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:32 pm
by D-EZ
Harry wrote:
dford wrote:Yes its good that they pay their money like the rest of us but dear god it never used to be like this. when i hear a 12yr old BOY complain about a misplaced pass or sammy's tactics I laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He obviously has a decent understanding of football to know somethings gone wrong.

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:38 pm
by dford
I fully agree with what has been said.
Yes its good they come
yes its good they pay their money
yes if they become full time fans fair play

just feels like the stand has become the kids stand

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:36 pm
by Keith
Last time I was at Christie Park, the "kids" were central to creating the atmosphere, so good on 'em. There was some criticism on here earlier in the season and that appears to have been taken on board, so good on 'em again!

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:20 pm
by sardine
the way i understand the reason for this is because it is the carlise paul mick birch and mick dennisons choral baritones of the future

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:56 pm
by Crooky MFC
I'm 16 in February and have been a season ticket holder for the past 4 or 5 years, I think it's great that more and more younger fans are coming to the games, it's just when they start talking about naff all to do with the game and treating it like a social club that it gets annoying.

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:16 pm
by sgt major
Nothing - Things change - get used to it.

I for one dont know why the once vociferous fans have moved down the terrace or god forbid to the paddock but thats what happens - the new breed take over.

I remember in 1973/74 times when I was 15/16 and started standing at the back of the old North Stand, I was looked at by some of the older guys as I started off songs - its how things progress.

It would be great to see the Scoobies and Jimmys of the world back up there but alas it aint going to happen.

What I would like to see is ALL the North stand getting behind the team when the young ones start off the songs - now that would be as Brittny says - AWESUM ;)

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:47 pm
by captain sparkle
Doubtless, when myself & a certain phoenix!, used to frequent the crustie, the more "mature" supporters denigrated us for our views (& twizzers round the scaffold pipe gate at the auxi club end), but look at us now!!
Maybe you should think of this, when we were on the terraces singing at that young age, how many folks of our age (now) were chanting? not many!

Don't knock it, in another 30 years they'll still be going & we'll be in another part of the ground altogether!

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:40 am
by Aal
I love the atmosphere that is created in the North Stand and get quite a buzz every time I migrate there from the Paddock.

I also think it's great that so many teenagers drag themselves away from their computers and X Boxes to get some 'fresh' air with their mates.

It does disturb me slightly though to hear such choice language being used, designed to impress their mates knowing that Mum can't see or hear them.

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:03 am
by Morecamber
I'm 15 nearly 16. Its my 5th year of having a season ticket now and my 2nd proper season pretty much following them away everywhere. I must admit, when I had a season ticket I started going right up in the top of the North Stand there wasn't many kids at all. But over the past few years there has slowly been more and more coming. I still love it up there.

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:20 am
I sit in the main stand and have nothing but praise for the noise coming from the excellent north stand whatever the age of the supporters, incidentally , how old was the author of this postt 10 years ago when he first started watching Morecambe FC???

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:37 am
by Wild Bill
There seemed to be a higher ratio of kids behind the goal for the replayed Cheltenham game, probably because it was only a couple of quid to get in. They may get on your nerves a bit when they are shouting nonsense in your ear, (hence the reason us old uns are moving away from the middle) but they are our a best chance to grow long term as a club.

4 Quid entry is great for younguns but I feel we will lose a lot of them when they have to pay an extra 9 quid when they turn 16. How about a youth price of say 8 quid for 17-22 year olds? That way we might hang on to a few more.

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:46 pm
by Muzzer
If you dont like it then you know what you can do....

go up and start singing or go home!
its pathetic the way your treating them/us! yes most people, not just younger kids, support a premiership side. The only football on tv is man u etc, most people support 2 sides, but what your saying here is that they cant talk about liverpool or man u etc = you cant talk about football at a football ground???

always something negative about the singing fans, it was please dont swear; then you cant direct songs to the other fans ie. "your the shit of Lancashire" etc; now its funny if someone says "that was a poor ball" or "sammy should bring on another striker" (when were losing?)

give the boys a break.. i cant speak for myself, but they go down everyweek and your'll see them at away games making an effort and give great support for the boys which gets the players a bit more motivated, they dont moan or boo if they do something poor, theres no need for us to get on the back of them, im sure they know what they've done wrong, and sammy will tell them!

If you dont like it then dont stand there, simple as!

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:31 pm

As i said earlier i sit in the main stand with my 11 year old son and we both think the support from the north stand is great.

On the other side of the coin, the author of this topic should sit in the stand one week and listen to some of the drivel coming out of some of the older fans pie holes every week!!

Keep it up north stand, the players seem to like it!!

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:50 pm
by heysham_mfc
I think its great that soe of the younger people are supporting Morecambe instead of the 'big teams' also your see a lot more kids around the town wearing Morecambe shirts than you did a few years ago

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:06 pm
by Bare Ben
Muzzer wrote:If you dont like it then you know what you can do....

go up and start singing or go home!
its pathetic the way your treating them/us! yes most people, not just younger kids, support a premiership side. The only football on tv is man u etc, most people support 2 sides, but what your saying here is that they cant talk about liverpool or man u etc = you cant talk about football at a football ground???

always something negative about the singing fans, it was please dont swear; then you cant direct songs to the other fans ie. "your the shit of Lancashire" etc; now its funny if someone says "that was a poor ball" or "sammy should bring on another striker" (when were losing?)

give the boys a break.. i cant speak for myself, but they go down everyweek and your'll see them at away games making an effort and give great support for the boys which gets the players a bit more motivated, they dont moan or boo if they do something poor, theres no need for us to get on the back of them, im sure they know what they've done wrong, and sammy will tell them!

If you dont like it then dont stand there, simple as!

Who rattled your cage? :lol:

By the way everyone The Bill is on on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This is going to be the best Christmas ever! :D

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:14 pm
by OvertheBar
I just love this thread.

I am a balding grey old git now, but used to be in the middle of the north stand with several others of similar ilk when Arnold Timmins scored 9 (or 8 ? or summat like) against Rossendale and had a fantastic time bouncing around and being a young football fan. The guys in there at present are brilliant and I think they should be encouraged to enjoy every game.

We stand near the back/left of the North Stand at each game and have the best laugh with a small cluster of young lads, they take the proverbial from me and especially the missus who is an aged singer and occasioanlly (frequently actually :lol: ) take the proverbial in return. There is never any nastiness and they would deffo stop if we were seriously upset by them.

At every away game there are plenty of young fans who get into every chant and start their own. At Port Vale the missus was a bit concerned because a sizeable clump of young fellas turned up just before kick off and stood next to truth it was exhillerating to be around them and their enthusiasm is precisely what is needed for us all at present.

The team are battling to stay in the Football League and these young fans are singing their hearts out at every game.

Just let em get on with it and be happy that we have such a vital element who want to support our club. Lets not worry if they are biased??? and get carried away and vent their feelings. Of late they have curbed their bawdier songs and should be applauded for that after some criticism on here.

You are just brilliant guys...keep going with the songs and enthusiasm, bring more of your mates and teach them how to sing. Me and the missus really appreciate you and I bet the team 'play their hearts out' for you all.

Cage fully rattled...have a happy christmas :D

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:35 pm
by morecambe mick
OvertheBar wrote:I just love this thread.

At every away game there are plenty of young fans who get into every chant and start their own. At Port Vale the missus was a bit concerned because a sizeable clump of young fellas turned up just before kick off and stood next to truth it was exhillerating to be around them and their enthusiasm is precisely what is needed for us all at present.

The team are battling to stay in the Football League and these young fans are singing their hearts out at every game.

Just let em get on with it and be happy that we have such a vital element who want to support our club. Lets not worry if they are biased??? and get carried away and vent their feelings. Of late they have curbed their bawdier songs and should be applauded for that after some criticism on here.

You are just brilliant guys...keep going with the songs and enthusiasm, bring more of your mates and teach them how to sing. Me and the missus really appreciate you and I bet the team 'play their hearts out' for you all.

Cage fully rattled...have a happy christmas :D

What he said.

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:27 am
by shrimper
There was a time not too long ago when any chanting done anywhere home or away was initiated by us older fans. We always stood at the back of the north stand at home.

Now the kids have sort of elbowed us to one side. They start the chanting, come up with their own (okay I'd rather they weren't based on ManU ones but you can understand why) and pretty much keep it going for most of most games.

That's how it should be and I think it's brilliant. Yes they may need a bit of guidance from time to time (swearing, confrontational attitude) but that's all part of growing up and, by and large, if it's handled the right way, they respond the right way so fair play to them.

Yes it has changed but I think it's good that it has - these are our future 'stalwarts' and a lot of them are there chanting even when we're performing badly.

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:35 pm
by cultured
dford wrote:Having stood on the north stand for over 10 years what has happened?

Why o why at the back of the stand (the loudest/True morecambe fans etc) why is it populated with 14 year olds who are probably manchester united or Liverpool fans.

Yes its good that they pay their money like the rest of us but dear god it never used to be like this. when i hear a 12yr old BOY complain about a misplaced pass or sammy's tactics I laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This can only be good news can't it?

Re: What has happened to north stand?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:38 pm
by small
well would you prefer it if there was no kids in there if you dont like it then go in a different stand