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Admission prices

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:12 pm
by Aal
Heard tonight that Motherwell are making it free for all under 12s when accompanied by an adult. Adult seats pegged back at £15.

Let's hope they start a trend of making it more affordable for families. Live football you can't beat it but it worries me that many folk would just rather watch it on the telly, at the pub or at home.

Our attendances have dropped this season. Could this be the answer?

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:04 pm
by Duffman
I think the club's prices are already good value, its purely footballing reasons why attendance has fallen. I think it would be a good idea if when we our results pick up again, then do a special one off to give attendances an extra boost.

I agree though, it's always nice when clubs do this and normally always work in bringing in extra people (who will hopefully come again).

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:51 pm
Not a Month goes by on here without somebody or other wanting somthing for nowt or reduced. Motherwell are a moderate team in a moderate league,Fir Park holds about 14.000
and they are getting 5 and a bit "K". This jesture is not a philanthropic one it's to raise money,
do not be fooled. Winning is the answer not "Buy one get one free" promotions . It's £25 earth
pounds for 2 Adults and 2 kids at C.P., now thats value and a dam good idea. The best promotion from last season was when they gave out free kids tickets at schools,not in Morecambe but in places like Carnforth,B le S etc where Mums and Dads had to transport and pay to get in. Now that was a clever move !. Get back to winning ways and the fans will turn up,we need to be a
"High Street" name not an "Everthing for a pound" shop.
(What the hell was all that about) :oops:

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:22 am
by Morecambe Jack
I think our ticket prices are completely reasonable particularly in comparison to most in the league.

However, a bit biased here, but I think the club should do more for students, to be honest. We have Lancaster University on our doorstep and I'm sure that there will be many people who would come down to Christie if the price was right. £10 isnt a bad price dont get me wrong, but its not going to encourage people to come on a weekly basis. Manchester City offer tickets for a lot of games through our student union for as low as £5 (price changes depending on who they are playing) and if we did something similar Im sure more people would go along. Besides, theres nowt decent on offer in Lancaster itself!

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:45 am
by Aspers
I went to Motherwell V Kilmarnock a few years ago.

Motherwells pitch has a huge slope on it.
Biggest I've ever seen.

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:08 am
Aspers wrote:I went to Motherwell V Kilmarnock a few years ago.

Motherwells pitch has a huge slope on it.
Biggest I've ever seen.

It's not that good at Galgate ;)

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:07 pm
by marky No.1
Aal wrote:Heard tonight that Motherwell are making it free for all under 12s when accompanied by an adult. Adult seats pegged back at £15.

Let's hope they start a trend of making it more affordable for families. Live football you can't beat it but it worries me that many folk would just rather watch it on the telly, at the pub or at home.

Our attendances have dropped this season. Could this be the answer?

Attendances are dropping generally for various reasons our Culture Secretary says the game must change to survive and is wanting the football authorities to have a look at themselves even to the point of " more transparency and scrutiny of club ownership and debt levels" and "strengthening the fit and proper test for club owners"

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:17 pm
by badger
Going back a few years a go when business serve were involved with morecame,they use to give out free tickets and two tokens one for a feer pint and one for a free pie.

Im not sure but i think if they came to three more matches they got anouther one free.
I think one of the reasons they stopped it was the season ticket holders making a fuss.

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:26 pm
by Phoenix
they use to give out free tickets and two tokens one for a feer pint and one for a free pie.

See you on Saturday scheme if I remember the name right. From my watch-tower monitoring the people going through the free-ticket turnstiles, the majority were existing supporters who knew someone that had got free tickets and scrounged them.

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:23 pm
by Keith
Phoenix wrote:See you on Saturday scheme if I remember the name right. From my watch-tower monitoring the people going through the free-ticket turnstiles, the majority were existing supporters who knew someone that had got free tickets and scrounged them.

I was offered some (which I'm pleased to say, I refused) and I don't even live in the town!

That said, if it encouraged 20 people to come ten time over the next couple of years, in exchange for 20 people who would have gone anyway, getting in free on half a dozen times, the scheme would still have been a success.

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:48 pm
by heysham_mfc
Keith wrote:
Phoenix wrote:See you on Saturday scheme if I remember the name right. From my watch-tower monitoring the people going through the free-ticket turnstiles, the majority were existing supporters who knew someone that had got free tickets and scrounged them.

I was offered some (which I'm pleased to say, I refused) and I don't even live in the town!

That said, if it encouraged 20 people to come ten time over the next couple of years, in exchange for 20 people who would have gone anyway, getting in free on half a dozen times, the scheme would still have been a success.

I could get a free ticket for every home game if I wanted it

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:52 pm
by OvertheBar
As a season ticket holder I would not worry one jot how much home fans paid to get into the ground. It would just be ace to be in a full North Stand.

Kids for free or a quid always goes down a treat. When they are in the ground they spend more money and have a good time. Once a young fan has found a club it can stick for life. Obviously if the team win and the crowd is on form it can enhance the addiction. Which means...Morecambe 3 Rochdale 2...end to end stuff (bypassing midfield of course) and the North Stand singing their socks off from start to finish.

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:25 pm
by Aal
Really can't agree that 2 adults and 2 kids for £25 is a fab offer. At Fir Park it will cost £20 to for same four to see Motherwell v Rangers. Now that's good value!!

Why no 1 adult and 1 kid for £12.50 then? How many nuclear families exist in Morecambe?

It's true that our prices are better than most in League 2 but generally speaking something needs to be done about pricing. Somebody said somewhere how going to the theatre or cinema used to be comparable pricewise to footie in the 70s. No way anymore, so it's become a sport that has disenfranchised the folk on low incomes.

CASS wrote:Not a Month goes by on here without somebody or other wanting somthing for nowt or reduced. Motherwell are a moderate team in a moderate league,Fir Park holds about 14.000
and they are getting 5 and a bit "K". This jesture is not a philanthropic one it's to raise money,
do not be fooled. Winning is the answer not "Buy one get one free" promotions . It's £25 earth
pounds for 2 Adults and 2 kids at C.P., now thats value and a dam good idea. The best promotion from last season was when they gave out free kids tickets at schools,not in Morecambe but in places like Carnforth,B le S etc where Mums and Dads had to transport and pay to get in. Now that was a clever move !. Get back to winning ways and the fans will turn up,we need to be a
"High Street" name not an "Everthing for a pound" shop.
(What the hell was all that about) :oops:

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:00 pm
Really can't agree that 2 adults and 2 kids for £25 is a fab offer. At Fir Park it will cost £20 to for same four to see Motherwell v Rangers. Now that's good value!!

It's great value Aal no doubt about it,but you have got to weigh up the risk,do you get more fans through the gate ? or do you get the same amount of fans for less cash ? The need to trial run a scheme is a must,it could be madness.I quite like the scheme I mentioned in my first post.
Lot's of Ideas have cropped up here,Peter's drive to get the Pole's interested for one,but having seen "Ross Kemp on gangs" that might not have been a good idea. Gimmicks and offers have to work,a loss leader cannot be the admission price.


Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:40 pm
by Shrimpster
Our prices are alot better compared to bloody southport.

£12.50 to get in there for an adult, Blue Square north. ridiculous!

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:03 pm
by Aal
How can clubs like Southport justify that to their fans? It's crazy and has to stop :evil:

Re: Admission prices

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:17 am
by Phoenix
I was offered some (which I'm pleased to say, I refused) and I don't even live in the town!

That said, if it encouraged 20 people to come ten time over the next couple of years, in exchange for 20 people who would have gone anyway, getting in free on half a dozen times, the scheme would still have been a success.

You refused, a lot didn't. That's what I found disappointing.