O/T At Last ... Send in the Bulldozers

O/T At Last ... Send in the Bulldozers

Postby Phoenix » Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:07 pm

Yes, another Phoenix rant. Am I the only one thinking someone somewhere is taking the piss, big time?

£225,000, yes, nearly a quarter of a million, to clear the land around the iconic Jugs of Tea site.

What are the council/we getting for their/our money? Let's see what The Visitor list:

"Demolish buildings". They are so iconic I'm sure someone would buy the Jugs wall!

"Remove services from buildings". Does that mean the derelict buildings have live services? How much does it cost to have the electric and gas cut off? Don't pay the bill, they'll cut you off for free.

"Grubbing up the area and crushing material for landfill". No doubt selling the landfil material or giving it away for free.

"Importing top-soil and turfing the area over". A grand should cover that, only 224 grand to go.

"Maintenance of the area (i.e. grass cutting)". Now they're really taking the piss.

Re-render a wall and build a new small wall with a few seats.

Total bill, £225,000.

If the council are reading this, here's an idea. Leave the Jugs of Wall in place, don't spend a penny on something that is attracting visitors. Yes, you heard me right, attracting visitors. Go on, take a look around flickr and see what photos of Morecambe are being posted. People are coming here to take photos of the Jugs of Tea, it's even got it's own group. Will they take photos of a lawn? I doubt it.

Leave the Jugs in place until Urban Splash redevelop the land.

Even if the land is cleared, I can't believe someone has costed this at £225,000.

Re: O/T At Last ... Send in the Bulldozers

Postby Curly » Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:44 pm

Phoenix wrote:Yes, another Phoenix rant. Am I the only one thinking someone somewhere is taking the piss, big time?

£225,000, yes, nearly a quarter of a million, to clear the land around the iconic Jugs of Tea site.

What are the council/we getting for their/our money? Let's see what The Visitor list:

"Demolish buildings". They are so iconic I'm sure someone would buy the Jugs wall!

"Remove services from buildings". Does that mean the derelict buildings have live services? How much does it cost to have the electric and gas cut off? Don't pay the bill, they'll cut you off for free.

"Grubbing up the area and crushing material for landfill". No doubt selling the landfil material or giving it away for free.

"Importing top-soil and turfing the area over". A grand should cover that, only 224 grand to go.

"Maintenance of the area (i.e. grass cutting)". Now they're really taking the piss.

Re-render a wall and build a new small wall with a few seats.

Total bill, £225,000.

If the council are reading this, here's an idea. Leave the Jugs of Wall in place, don't spend a penny on something that is attracting visitors. Yes, you heard me right, attracting visitors. Go on, take a look around flickr and see what photos of Morecambe are being posted. People are coming here to take photos of the Jugs of Tea, it's even got it's own group. Will they take photos of a lawn? I doubt it.

Leave the Jugs in place until Urban Splash redevelop the land.

Even if the land is cleared, I can't believe someone has costed this at £225,000.

You forgot there's another £220,000 to pay to Noel Edmunds when they build

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: O/T At Last ... Send in the Bulldozers

Postby Phoenix » Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:30 am

Don't get me wrong, I want to see the site developed. What I fail to understand is why we should pay to turf the land short-term when someone has put in a planning application to build on it. If the plans are rejected outright, OK, do something with the land. Until we know the result of the planning application though this is a farcical waste of our money.

Re: O/T At Last ... Send in the Bulldozers

Postby Number 1 » Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:46 am

Typical council really spending a fortune when they don't need to !
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Re: O/T At Last ... Send in the Bulldozers

Postby Christies Child » Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:49 am

I've a bloody big sledgehammer at home and a few (whoops 'lot') hours to kill, I'll knock the area into shape at half the cost AND leave 'the Jugs of tea' as a piece of community art!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: O/T At Last ... Send in the Bulldozers

Postby morecambe mick » Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:50 am

Why can't they get people who have committed crimes and who are on community service do some of the work there. Might give them something to be proud of themselves of.

Or even contacting the college to ask if they wanted to give their students some experience in building. That's if they still do practical courses at the college, and not just paper pushing. :lol:

Or even get Christie's Child
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Re: O/T At Last ... Send in the Bulldozers

Postby Phoenix » Sat Oct 04, 2008 9:40 am

Or even contacting the college to ask if they wanted to give their students some experience in building. That's if they still do practical courses at the college, and not just paper pushing.

They still do lots of practical stuff, they even passed their ofsted inspection yesterday and could be found celebrating in the george where I joined them later on :roll: I'll mention it to the chap that runs the engineering department this week.

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