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Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:55 am
by Loyalsupporter
a few of us seem to want either Jim Bentley or John Coleman to take charge as we believe one of them may save our league 2 status

I personally would like John Coleman as number 1 and Jim Bentley under his wing

{if someone could turn this into a poll, JC / JB / other}

I think it maybe interesting to see who wants who as our number 1 should SM depart.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:18 am
by Seasider9601
SHOULD Sammy depart, and that's a big if (or, should) I'd go for Coley. Without a doubt.

Jimbo as his right hand man. But then again, where would Coley's trusted current right hand man, Jimmy Bell, fit into the equation ?? Problematical ..........

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:21 am
by Little Shrimp
Jimbo could be head coach.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:22 am
by P/T Indie

I am not convinced about Coley he would do a good job to a certain point but could he adapt his tactics and style of play to pushing for wins and challenging for the playoffs. A good example is like when Roy Hodgson went to Liverpool.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:40 am
by HALMA 1983
Anyone coming in would have to be able to work on a very low budget with crowds of just over 1500 and falling
Coleman to his credit has been doing this for years on a breath of fresh air and attracting players that actually want to play and get stuck in, The guys a winner and wouldn't be found wanting when it came to sorting out the root problems currently manifesting this low confidence Morecambe side.

I don't think he'd just save us but I'd put my money on him going one better with his passion and desire, not to mention the crowds flocking back to see something worthy of mention.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:50 am
by marky
Are Accrington really that bad? I don't think we do his sides justice. Yes, they scrap and can play dirty at times but a lot of what I read from fans of other teams is that they actually play pretty good football

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:57 am
by HALMA 1983
marky wrote:Are Accrington really that bad? I don't think we do his sides justice. Yes, they scrap and can play dirty at times but a lot of what I read from fans of other teams is that they actually play pretty good football

They play some great stuff and if you look at some of the rough diamonds Coleman's had on the books he's made into seriously good players, Symes, Ryan, Putterill, Grant, I could go on and on
as the list is endless.
Stanley might be a small club but their all heart and that's down to the manager and his able assistant.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:00 pm
by Loyalsupporter
marky wrote:Are Accrington really that bad? I don't think we do his sides justice. Yes, they scrap and can play dirty at times but a lot of what I read from fans of other teams is that they actually play pretty good football

IMO, the only problem I have with Accy is the fact their pitch surface never seems playable and they keep beating us

Accy are our local derby and we never seem passionate enough when playing against them, Accy are always up for the match against us

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:29 pm
by The Fury
P/T Indie wrote:Jim

I am not convinced about Coley he would do a good job to a certain point but could he adapt his tactics and style of play to pushing for wins and challenging for the playoffs. A good example is like when Roy Hodgson went to Liverpool.

I think you are associating contemporary Accrington with the team that were establishing themselves in the Conference too readily. The reality is, in my view, that Accrington play football on the ground that is, and has been for some years, considerably easier on the eye than ours.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:11 pm
by Keith
every time I ask this, none of the 'appoint Coleman' brigade answer!

What makes them so sure he'd come to us? He's been with Acci for as long as he was with us. He's got a job for life, probably one of the most secure jobs in the Football League, if not THE MOST secure. Acci have now got a very rich chairman, possibly even richer than P McG.

Plus, he's just signed a new, long contract, so he would cost us a fortune to get him, even if he wanted to come.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:21 pm
by Duffman
Accy have a chairman that doesn't back him, they never seem to spend on players or pay big wages. The chairman may be rich due to Coleman producing all these players and selling them on for huge profits and keeping the money for himself :lol:

Compared to us the budget must be tiny, I'd even go as far saying it's almost half. When you think of our attendances, other income off the pitch and the fact we have 28 first team players on nice journeymen wages, our playing budget could easily be over £1m a year (if the average wage was £800pw it works out to be £1.1m). You have to wonder what he could do with our resources.

Oh and Accy are 5 points clear of us with 3 games in hand. ;)

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:38 pm
by mrpotatohead
your last sentence negates the rest of your post duffman :?

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:41 pm
by Posh
Keith wrote:every time I ask this, none of the 'appoint Coleman' brigade answer!

What makes them so sure he'd come to us? He's been with Acci for as long as he was with us. He's got a job for life, probably one of the most secure jobs in the Football League, if not THE MOST secure. Acci have now got a very rich chairman, possibly even richer than P McG.

Plus, he's just signed a new, long contract, so he would cost us a fortune to get him, even if he wanted to come.

Fair point Keith. However the ownership situation means his contract is next to worthless. Eric Whalley is still the club's owner and won't give it up; David O'Neill thinks he owns it but doesn't; and Ilyas Khan wants to own it but can't get his hands on it. If the situation isn't resolved in the summer and Coley has to sell again then he may be tempted to leave. Under Khan he'd get money to spend. However he must be ambitious and he could well be tempted away by us or another club looking for someone who brings through good young players consistently, gets value from his budget and gives a club relative solidity with attractive football.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:51 pm
by Dragofly
Here he is children

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:52 pm
by Sammy h
I have missed your fine artwork, please keep uploading.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:33 pm
by Keith
Duffman wrote:Accy have a chairman that doesn't back him,

To clarify, I was referring to Illias Khan. Perhaps I should have said 'owner' rather than "chairman" but I admit it is all a bit complex at Accrington re who is actually in charge!

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:43 am
by maccawozzagod
the ownership issue is days or hours away from being resolved.

The problem at Accy has always been that Eric Whalley was registered as owning 51% of the shares and as such anything that the rest of the shareholders have wanted to do, or the board of directors, has always been vetoed by EW if that wasn't what he wanted to do. It has been discovered by forensic accountants that in fact EW only owns around 43% and as such is only a shareholder like anyone else. Whatever the board and or shareholders decide to be the next course of action will happen regardless. However, Ilyas Khan has offered him a deal of sorts for him to cut his losses, relinquish his 43% and hit the road.

Once this finally happens and the club can be rid of Mr Whalley then Ilyas Khan wants to hand over all the shares to the fans to create a new fans owned club. As part of his vision he has also promised to build us a new ground in the town, financed by himself, that will prove to be his legacy not just to the club but also to the town. IK is a man fiercely proud of his hometown and has often, and quietly, provided grass roots sport with funding - and I believe he put up a substantial sum of money to save Accrington Cricket Club. He has spent a not inconsiderable amount of time visiting new build grounds around the country to seek out advice and what works and what doesn't work in relation to involving the community more with the club - and not just for financial rewards. All football clubs are ambassadors for their community and should be at thehub of it regardless of peoples inclinations to the sport. That is his vision that he is working towards.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:47 am
by maccawozzagod
(sorry had to do this in two posts, for some reason if i type beyond the bottom of the post window it does some weird scrolly thing?)

so back to Coley, Morecambe might very well be the only other lower league club that he would go to, but I really couldn't see him leaving.

He has nurtured Stanley like a father might rear his child. He has taken us from nursery school through to college. Now someone has come along with the funds to push us on through to University and he's going to want to stick around to how far he can take us with the right set up.

IK won't bankroll us under any circumstances, he wants us to be self sufficient and to earn the ability to attract bigger name players - but the pressure should soon be off, and hopefully the shackles with it. Coley ain't going anywhere soon!

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:28 am
by Old Man Kensey
Just to add a bit of balance I wanted too check to see who had the better stats, John or Sammy? So for those who like their stats....

John Coleman:
Accrington 01 May, 1999 Present 537 216 131 190

Sammy Mcilroy:

Morecambe May, 2006 Present 254 95 75 84
Stockport Oct, 2003 Nov, 04 58 14 18 26
N Ireland Feb, 2000 Oct, 03 29 5 7 17
Macclesfield Aug, 1997 Jan, 00 135 48 35 52

Figures taken from

So Coleman has a win percentage of 40.22% at Accy to Sammy's 37.40% at Morecambe. Not a lot in it but with budgets taken into account that for me makes Coleman the better manager. Also if you take Sammy's whole career into account he drops to 34%.

As most of you know I have been unhappy with our manager for most of the season, mainly due to his style of play and poor tactics. However I now believe that bringing a new manager in at this stage maybe too late and for that reason I would opt for changes in the summer. I just hope we can pick up enough points in the mean time.

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:44 am
by captain sparkle
Old Man Kensey wrote:Also if you take Sammy's whole career into account he drops to 34%.

Hardly fair to include a stint with Northern Ireland, slightly different kettles of fish compared to Accy!
Still only 35.1% with that removed, though!

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:48 am
by Heysham_Shrimp
Heres some positive news.

Stockports goal difference is minus 39 so we are really 7 points clear of the relegation zone 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:34 pm
by marky No.1
Heysham_Shrimp wrote:Heres some positive news.

Stockports goal difference is minus 39 so we are really 7 points clear of the relegation zone 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Let's get tomorow over first before we talk goal differences. A 90 minute performance anywhere near Macclesfield x 2, Oxford x 2, Burton, Hereford, Aldershot, or Torquay A, or for 45 min at Lincoln, Accrington, Barnet, Stevenage and Crewe could see rather a large dent in that Stat.!

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:40 pm
by Keith
maccawozzagod wrote:IK won't bankroll us under any circumstances, he wants us to be self sufficient and to earn the ability to attract bigger name players - but the pressure should soon be off, and hopefully the shackles with it. Coley ain't going anywhere soon!

Ironically, given that if that future vision didn't exist I think we then would have had a chance of getting Coleman, I think Illias Khan is actually using a very similar model to the one Peter McGuigan used with us. Obviously PMcG and the rest of the board have put asubstantial amount of money in to Morecambe FC, we are a lot closer to being self funding than most Football League clubs.

At some point, I hope Illias will be visiting the services that I manage, in his role as chairman of the trustees of Leonard Cheshire Disability. I have a couple of Morecambe FC mugs at work so I can give him a welcoming cup of tea :lol: :D :lol: P45 to follow... :?

Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:44 pm
by Ntini
Keith, a link you may find useful when that time comes:


Re: Jim or John - to save the shrimps

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:12 pm
by maccawozzagod
Keith wrote: I have a couple of Morecambe FC mugs at work so I can give him ...

no thanks, you can keep McIlroy and Lillis, but I dont mind Parrish and Shuker ;)