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Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:00 pm
by Christies Child
Congratulations RedRedWine and Morecambe Jack you've finally convinced me that SVs is no longer the friendly forum where fans of all persuasions could voice their opinions without suffering abuse. Recent insults directed at me have achieved their objective and as a result I've had enough.

Well done!

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:09 pm
by outsider
"If I ever loose the ability to laugh...bloody shoot me"

Use the ignor button

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:17 pm
by RedRedWine1
This has nothing to do with your opinions which I rarely agree with but am generally respectful of (but hey, you probably disagree with me all the time too). My post in a previous thread was about you calling somebody that you don't even know a wanker at the game yesterday. That person was eventually thrown ot of the match. Just man up and apologise to him at the next game, he's already missed 25 minutes off his season ticket because you were an embarrassment.

There is no need to stop posting or trying to turn this into a massive drama. You aren't called Raeyes or CatPooCook.

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:20 pm
by thegentlegiant
I think everyone on the forum needs to take a deep breath were all upset by recent results and I for one have had enough of Sammy mac now, but the way people are conducting there selves on here of late is not needed and is disgraceful.
Any other none mfc fans must come on here of late and just laugh and potential new mfc fans must look and go I am having nothing to do with that club.
Come on lads, lets calm down.

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:22 pm
by shrimpnsave
where the mods when you need them to lock this s..t.,...

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:22 pm
by Morecambe Jack
I don't think I have been abusive towards you CC, just questioned your true feelings towards our manager (and I stand by what I say that I think you would secretly be very happy with Sammy being sacked, although you will never admit it - it was only a few months ago you called Sammy "it", that is not from someone who respects what he has achieved at our club). I also stand by my comments about you being highly annyoing on the chat room on tuesday where you took every opportunity to dig at Sammy and showed no positive encouragement at all. If there was some of the latter too, I wouldn't be half as bothered. Instead, your only contribution to the chat room all night was to knock Sammy. Its boring, and I cant ignore you on there without leaving the chatroom. Everyone else showed some enthusiasm towards getting something from the game, at least at the points where we drew level.

That said,
you could of course choose to ignore it if it winds you up so much

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:24 pm
by shrimpnsave


Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:25 pm
by Gnasher
What a massive chip on the shoulder of a 24 year old, if we can believe your profile. I've got a 21 year old and a very soon to be 18 year old and they think they know it all as well. You only have to look at the posting stats to see some people aren't as active as they used to be and it's thanks to a minority, including RedRedWine. Even I didn't manage to p!ss of CC.

And just for RRW, my opinion of ockers and anyone else on the forum associated with the club is they need to keep their personal opinions separate from those of the club, use two logins if necessary. I was associated with the club and that's the main reason I don't talk football, I had to face the players every week and I didn't think it appropriate to slag them off one day then have a pleasant chat with them the next. Mark S is the only person I think ever got the balance right, maybe Posh as well.

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:03 pm
by Opinionated
Christies Child wrote:Congratulations RedRedWine and Morecambe Jack you've finally convinced me that SVs is no longer the friendly forum where fans of all persuasions could voice their opinions without suffering abuse. Recent insults directed at me have achieved their objective and as a result I've had enough.

Well done!

:cry: :cry: :cry:

For approximately the last ten years anyone outside of the 'in group' on SV has been either ignored or criticesed, therefore I don't buy your claim CC. Anyone who has lost faith in Sammy who has taken us to League 2 and installed us with a never say die mentallity should be ashamed of themselves. It seems likely Sammy will leave at the end of the season regardless of where we finish but I will always love him for the success he has brought to our football club. I cant believe a minority of our fans consider being in a position above the League 2 relegation zone to be poor.

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:08 pm
by Seasider9601
Opinionated wrote: I cant believe a minority of our fans consider being in a position above the League 2 relegation zone to be poor.

Well said Opinionated.

When we think back to all the years upon years we were bumbling around in the Northern Premier League trying to get out of that and INTO the Conference. And ... for years on end we were struggling to avoid relegation FROM the Northern Premier League.

Here we are in League 2 (Play Offs last season), having admitedly a struggle this season, and people are whinging and moaning ....... unreal. Reality check needed.

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:23 pm
by ezz
I like the bit where people think the globe is crap, christie park was crap!! It was embarrasing, but it was home and we witnessed glory there so we loved it anyway. We've had a terrible season and people blame the globe, manager, lack of atmosphere. The atmosphere is awful, because on the pitch were awful, the town dont support the club as much as it could. We've had nothing/little to cheer about at our new home so people are very irritable.
People thought this year would be the re-birth of MFC and it would be onwards and upwards, its gone sadly wrong but as a club were more stable. The new stadium as much as people pick holes in it provides this. We desperately need to stay up, either people are blinded by fear of going down or frustration beginning before the season even started and they are letting it cloud their judgement.... the team needs support and so does the manager. Angry fans abusing players and staff on match days are just contributing to our own downfall.

Looks like most wil let it become too late when they realise that we need to get behind the club if we are going to call ourselves a league club next season

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:44 pm
by marky
Opinionated wrote:Anyone who has lost faith in Sammy who has taken us to League 2 and installed us with a never say die mentallity should be ashamed of themselves. It seems likely Sammy will leave at the end of the season regardless of where we finish but I will always love him for the success he has brought to our football club. I cant believe a minority of our fans consider being in a position above the League 2 relegation zone to be poor.

Wouldn't you say the never say die attitude had far more to do with our captain throughout nost of Sammy's tenure? Apart from a few isolated matches, would you say there's been much evidence of such an attitude this season? Sammy McIlroy has never really endeered himself to a lot of fans. For some, it's because they can't get over the rightful sacking of Jim Harvey. Some find the style of football he sets him teams out to play interminably and mindnumbingly boring. For others, its because he's often been prickly towards fans at best. Even on the odd occasion when he provides praise, he's usually been prompted to do so by certain interviewers.

Being in our current league position isn't poor from a purely historical point of view. I too remember the Northern Premier League days, albeit the last few years. However, being is our current position IS poor when one considers the investment made in a very large squad of supposed talent. Some fans, like yourself, don't care about any of that because Sammy's reign has brought with it the most successful few years in the history of the club. Personally I prefer to don't a pragmatic view on everything. My family and I will still be Morecambe fans long after his reign has ended. He'll always be the manager who brought league football to Morecambe. I, and others, just happen to believe he's not the man to continue our journey.

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:52 pm
by heysham_mfc
Some people to to get a grip and look at where we are IN THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE isnt that what we always wanted since the Conference days?

I also remember quite a few people saying that if for the next few years we finished 3rd from bottom every season they would still be happy because it still would mean league football for at least another season. Where are they now?

For the fans who think Sammy should go although you have the right to voice your views is it really going to help matters by booing at FT & HT or by complaining on here? While Sammy is an employee of MFC we should back him to the end. The board of course will take action if needed they have not let us down yet and Peter McGuigan is not going to let us throw away something we have worked so hard for after just four seasons.

Support for the club has never been that great only for the big games in fact I would go so far as to say our support for the team has been utter shite at times. We need to get behind the team 100% even more so now given the current state a affairs on the field if we don't who are we to tell the players they are cpar if we don't play our part?

Even if the worse were to come and we find ourselves in the BSP next season I will still buy a season ticket and support the team as I have done so for the best part of six years now. In that time mostly it's been great being a Morecambe fan seeing my team promoted to the Football League is the best moment as my time as a fan along with many others. Now it's time for a battle you have to support your team even more so through the bad times if Sammy McIlroy comes on SV and thinks 'Why should I bother I don't get any support from the fans' I wouln't blame him if he called it a day and walked away. Unless we are preparted to turn up whenever possible and support the team and give the players, management and the board our full backing we can't really have too many complaints if they don't come up with the goods.

I would be happy if we just sayed up now regrouped and came back stronger next season.


Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:33 pm
by mrpotatohead
dunno why anyone would jack the discussion board over the words of someone else, i understand people linked to the club abstaining from commenting when it is difficult to defend things that some fans feel are happening,ockers for one, is showing great restraint at wind up merchants like myself trying to bait him for a bit of fun, i do actually care about our team though, as does sammy h, and cc, and mr plates(whoops) so come on guys, team hug, UTS :!:

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:50 pm
by Sammy h
Threads like these make me love shrimpsvoices :D

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:52 pm
by steve mfc
When i saw the thread title the first thing that came to mind was why is CC discussing Donna Summer.

But the Lyrics are to say the least some what appropriate.

Enough is enough
I cant go on, i cant go on no more, no
Enough is enough
I want him out, i want him out that door now
Enough is enough
That's enough.

Sorry couldn't resist ;)

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:54 pm
by steve mfc
ezz wrote:I like the bit where people think the globe is crap, christie park was crap!! It was embarrasing, but it was home and we witnessed glory there so we loved it anyway. We've had a terrible season and people blame the globe, manager, lack of atmosphere. The atmosphere is awful, because on the pitch were awful, the town dont support the club as much as it could. We've had nothing/little to cheer about at our new home so people are very irritable.
People thought this year would be the re-birth of MFC and it would be onwards and upwards, its gone sadly wrong but as a club were more stable. The new stadium as much as people pick holes in it provides this. We desperately need to stay up, either people are blinded by fear of going down or frustration beginning before the season even started and they are letting it cloud their judgement.... the team needs support and so does the manager. Angry fans abusing players and staff on match days are just contributing to our own downfall.

Looks like most wil let it become too late when they realise that we need to get behind the club if we are going to call ourselves a league club next season

Well said sir, couldn't agree more.

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:59 pm
by mrpotatohead
barbra streisand sung this bit

Tell him to just get out
nothing left to talk about
pack his raincoat show him out
just look him in the eyes and simply shout :lol: :lol:

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:55 pm
by stevanshrimp
Now go! Walk out the door
Don't turn around................ :oops:

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:55 am
by Plain Peter
Gnasher wrote: Mark S is the only person I think ever got the balance right, maybe Posh as well.

Definitely not catpoocook ;)
I'm off as well, SV has become too depressing...
...and I'm taking Peter and Doris with me :o
Bye xx

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:13 am
by morecambegeek
If you're going, just go.

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:42 am
by Sharpy
Opinionated wrote:
For approximately the last ten years anyone outside of the 'in group' on SV has been either ignored or criticesed, therefore I don't buy your claim CC.

Never a truer word spoken!! if the sun doesn't shine out of the clubs arse, the players arses, the managers arse or the stadiums arse then you can just jog on. Been like that for years on here. The best part is, this board is extremely tame compared to others and people still get all hot and flustered!
good on RedRedWine for having the "alternate opinion"

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:14 pm
by Gnasher
Good on redredwine for basing an attack on a pack of lies then not having the balls to apologise. Typical of the newer forum users, ignore what doesn't fit with your arguments.

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:31 pm
by ezz
Sharpy wrote:
Opinionated wrote:
For approximately the last ten years anyone outside of the 'in group' on SV has been either ignored or criticesed, therefore I don't buy your claim CC.

Never a truer word spoken!! if the sun doesn't shine out of the clubs arse, the players arses, the managers arse or the stadiums arse then you can just jog on. Been like that for years on here. The best part is, this board is extremely tame compared to others and people still get all hot and flustered!
good on RedRedWine for having the "alternate opinion"

No, your wrong, we've very little if nothing to actually complain about in the last 10-15 years. infact its probably been the limelight of the clubs history and were lucky enough to witness it. What we dont like are windup merchants or immature kids who cant appreciate what we have compared to where we've come from.
This is the first time since the scare back in the conference when we've struggled, low and behold very few can handle it.

Re: Enough is enough

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:37 pm
by SimplyRed MFC
CC, with all the group hugs now on offer if you're going to use a Donna Summer track why not her biggest " I Feel Love "

FWIW on attendances only, annual survival should be the aim. Last year was exceptional.