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New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:00 pm
by Bls Shrimp
Whats happening? I thought planning permission was granted. Does anyone know when work will start? Whats the latest?

Re: New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:20 pm
by Heysham_Shrimp
Bls Shrimp wrote:Whats happening? I thought planning permission was granted. Does anyone know when work will start? Whats the latest?

Rod Taylor on Radio lancs recently said he thought work would start in March and was expected to take about 15 months.

Re: New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:15 pm
by Phoenix
Which puts us right on the deadline for having extra seating available. Last announcement I read it was going to be finished early 2010 giving everyone plenty of time to get used to the new facilities and get the non-football commercial side of it swinging along. It's going to be close .....

Re: New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:04 pm
by Posh
Bls Shrimp wrote:Whats happening? I thought planning permission was granted. Does anyone know when work will start? Whats the latest?

Full planning permission has been granted for the stadium and facilities (subject to some minor issues) and outline permission granted for outlets and hotel on land adjacent. When interest comes forward then these will go to full plan.

The scheme is now automatically called in by the Government Office of the North West to assess any impact on the regional plan. Progressing past this will be a formality but it does hold things up.

As regards the scheme as a whole I've no reason to believe there has been any other change in circumstances that would stop the scheme progressing.

Re: New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:04 pm
by Keith
Posh wrote:The scheme is now automatically called in by the Government Office of the North West to assess any impact on the regional plan. Progressing past this will be a formality

If it's a formality, why do it? Bureaucracy with no value?

Posh wrote:but it does hold things up.

ahh, and COST MONEY There is the 'value' in bureaucracy...

Re: New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:22 am
by shrimper
A while ago the council drew up a town plan which designated different areas as sites for different things. They do this so that when planning applications come forward they can be judged against the local plan to see if they fit in with what the town's leaders have agreed the shape of our future should, desirably, be.

This can be used to stop, for example, someone building a sulphuric acid throwing plant next door to a school, or a row of retirement bungalows.

But things can change during the life of such a 'town plan' and if an application comes up that, genuinely, no-one was anticipating but which people generally agree would be a good thing for the future of the town then they have to apply for permission - and submit a good reason - for going against that plan. This is so the Government can be satisfied the reasons for diverting from the plan are genuinely in the best local interest and not just some new bunch of councillors looking after their mates who, perhaps, own a big sulphuric acid throwing business.

The Westgate land was designated in the local plan as open green space, they want to use it for something different, so they have to get approval. The rules are there for very good reasons and it's right the proposal should be tested against the 'doing the right thing' measure. It's also right that such an important and major proposal is properly investigated in such a way.

I'll have a go at the authorities when merited but in this case it's all just common sense.

Re: New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:49 am
by Keith
shrimper wrote:I'll have a go at the authorities when merited but in this case it's all just common sense.

In that case, I'll accept your apology... :roll:

Re: New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:51 am
by shrimper
Thanks. :D

Re: New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:26 am
by Martin
What I want to know is where are they going to site this Sulphiric Acid Throwing Plant that Shrimper seems to know so much about?

Re: New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:37 am
by marky No.1
MRH wrote:What I want to know is where are they going to site this Sulphiric Acid Throwing Plant that Shrimper seems to know so much about?

You would be surprised how much demand there is for them :shock: ... _id=128176

Re: New Stadium Update?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:42 pm
by marky No.1
Bls Shrimp wrote:Whats happening? I thought planning permission was granted. Does anyone know when work will start? Whats the latest?

Keep ya eye on this: ... eturn=true