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Stewart Drummond

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:08 am
by gbpacker
The Football Forum to be held at the Globe Arena on Thursday February 17th is a great way to start off Stewart's testimonial year and tickets are available in the Shop, the Bar and at Reception from Jody - £10. It is rare in modern football to see players completing 10 years service with a club to qualify inder FA rules for a testimonial but Stewart has more than fulfilled those basic requirements but just as important has been the quality of football that he has brought to the club. Let's give him a rousing "Thank You" at the Forum, Sponsored Walk, Golf Day and Testimonial Match, more details on the latter three will be posted soon on the website and in the programme. Get your tickets at the Torquay game and make it a sellout. The panel of Jimbo, John Coleman, Dave Allison and Stewart with Quinny as chairman should be very entertaining and they will welcome all questions and the answers at these events never cease to amaze me, they are always so honest. See you there.