FA Cup replay date set

Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Duffman » Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:45 am

Mark S wrote:
Callum wrote:
Mark S wrote:Read the post again Callum and do the Maths.


Lets say a reduced 1200 home fans at £13 versus 2,000 fans at half price?

Which one of those scenarios is more luctrative to them when they get a share of the gate?

Win Win for them. More money to pay for the two coaches it will take to bring up the 100 fans they will bring and less home support.

Come on guys! Wake up and smell the coffee!

But you're giving the impression our board are squeaky clean and do everything they can for the fans. It seems on this message board the club can't do anything wrong. Maybe Mark, just maybe, now and again the club might make decisions to try and get more money from fans.

Again apply logic to that arguement.

If you were our board would you prefer 1200 pissed off fans paying full price or 1800 happy fans paying half price plus an extra 500 or 600 that might be attracted down after tomorrows draw?

That aside, I refuse to believe that we have suddenly become a 'screw the fans, we are a business club'. Anyone that doubts that just have a chat with Rod taylor.

I'm not saying we have gone from one extreme to the other, my point was now and again the club will make decisions where they can gain extra money from fans. Although this is a good debate about ticket prices I don't think I've ever seen you criticise the board in the 6 years i've been on this message board. I understand the logic of numbers etc but how about repaying the fans commitment and support after paying £13/£10 + travel for absolutely nothing in terms of a result?
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby marky » Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:52 am

Mark, what I'm saying is rallying cries like yours are easier when the decision of both clubs doesn't affect you in the same manner (a point which an earlier contributer made about Brian). I'll reserve judgement on most of the board (i.e. not Rod) until the prices at the new ground are revealed in 18 months ;)

Anyway, Mark, the article on the official site makes it clear both parties were in agreement (and to be fair, it wasn't very long before it was posted in the first place so I doubt there was much argument!).
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby morecambe mick » Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:57 am

MarkS wrote:Again apply logic to that arguement.

If you were our board would you prefer 1200 pissed off fans paying full price or 1800 happy fans paying half price plus an extra 500 or 600 that might be attracted down after tomorrows draw?

(errrrr is it me?)

1200 x £13 = £15600,

1800 + 600 = 2400,

2400 x £6.50 = £15600.

Me personally I'd prefer to have the happy fans with extra goodwill towards the club.

I know it wouldn't work like that Mark I'm just applying logic, as requested ;)

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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby RedRedWine1 » Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:59 am

Don't forget increase in pie sales Mick 8-)

Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Mark S » Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:04 am

morecambe mick wrote:
Diacritical Mark wrote:Again apply logic to that arguement.

If you were our board would you prefer 1200 pissed off fans paying full price or 1800 happy fans paying half price plus an extra 500 or 600 that might be attracted down after tomorrows draw?

(errrrr is it me?)

1200 x £13 = £15600,

1800 + 600 = 2400,

2400 x £6.50 = £15600.

Me personally I'd prefer to have the happy fans with extra goodwill towards the club.

I know it wouldn't work like that Mark I'm just applying logic, as requested ;)


I wasnt going to post again but seeing as Mick as had equal to me to drink tonight...

1800 home fans there today entitled to half price with a ticket @ 6.50 = £11,700
600 extra that were not there @ full price (£13) = £7,800

That equals £19,500 doesnt it? ;)
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby morecambe mick » Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:05 am

RedRedWine wrote:Don't forget increase in pie sales Mick 8-)

Very good point well, put which raises a ponderment.

I wonder if the fourth official actually came onto the pitch to tell the ref.....

".. you can call it off now mate, they've just sold the last pie :D "

The gravy will keep 'til Tuesday, just a little scraping off the top of the crust, will be required! :lol:
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby RedRedWine1 » Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:10 am

morecambe mick wrote:
RedRedWine wrote:Don't forget increase in pie sales Mick 8-)

Very good point well, put which raises a ponderment.

I wonder if the fourth official actually came onto the pitch to tell the ref.....

".. you can call it off now mate, they've just sold the last pie :D "

The gravy will keep 'til Tuesday, just a little scraping off the top of the crust, will be required! :lol:

I never thought about it like that, but the more I think about it....the more I feel let down by the club. When I buy a pie I expect fresh gravy, and its now clear that it will be old gravy for the replay. I demand half price pies.

Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby morecambe mick » Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:11 am

Mark S wrote:
morecambe mick wrote:
Diacritical Mark wrote:Again apply logic to that arguement.

If you were our board would you prefer 1200 pissed off fans paying full price or 1800 happy fans paying half price plus an extra 500 or 600 that might be attracted down after tomorrows draw?

(errrrr is it me?)

1200 x £13 = £15600,

1800 + 600 = 2400,

2400 x £6.50 = £15600.

Me personally I'd prefer to have the happy fans with extra goodwill towards the club.

I know it wouldn't work like that Mark I'm just applying logic, as requested ;)


I wasnt going to post again but seeing as Mick as had equal to me to drink tonight...

1800 home fans there today entitled to half price with a ticket @ 6.50 = £11,700
600 extra that were not there @ full price (£13) = £7,800

That equals £19,500 doesnt it? ;)

Read it as all paying half price, but it makes your arguement hold less water :o

I haven't had a drink :shock:
I'm off to Leyland, for 9 start, in the morning to do my final test for level 1 football coaching.
Ask your lad about the excercise at the end of his training on Tuesday. ;)

Best get to bed 8-)

RRW it's mature gravy - the best ;)
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby mounse mk2 » Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:13 am

I go back to my original point if the FA compensated clubs over this, it'd make it so much easier.

Ho hum they don't.

Oh f**k it i'm drunk and i'll start ranting so i'll go to bed and come back tomorrow. But i don't think my mind will have changed.
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Si Robin » Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:23 am

I'd like to add a Cheltenham fan's opinion on this if I may.

I came up today after being in two minds all week about whether or not I could afford to attend. I eventually got a good deal on a lift and was then able to make the game. Thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Morecambe and was gutted the game was called off, I really feel we were getting a foothold in the game at just the right time (but that's by the by).

With regards to full price ticket sales, this happened to us 3 years ago in the LDV Cup away at Woking. The game was called off at roughly the same time due to much worse fog. There were no arguments with the abandonment. Sure enough Woking charged full price for the rematch. I didn't attend the return game.

I will also not be attending the rematch this time as I won't be able to afford it or get the time off work, however, I completely understand where our board (and your's to a degree) are coming from with the need to charge full price. Lets not forget that, like yourselves, we are not a big club, journeys to your area are not a particularly cheap prospect for a club our size, especially with the financial climate as it is. We fans have free coach travel, but that will not be taken up so freely. You also have to remember that in order for the majority of Town fans to attend again we will need to get at least a half day off work. I know of 4 people off the top of my head who will not be able to do this with one day's notice. Finally, all of the costs that Morecambe would have pad out today, will need to be paid out again on Tuesday (policing, etc...) with a lower attendance (especially from us), you will not be making much money from the game.

To reduce prices could well be a disaster, although good on a PR level. Our board are renowned for their frugality and will look to keep our club's own expenses to a minimum. If that means abiding by an FA rule whereby if a game is called off after half-time then full admission maybe charged, then so be it.
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby chesney » Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:37 am

I think the club are well out of order on this as a suporter who follows the team home and away and spends an absolute fortune in the process already. Tuesday is going to be the first time i begruge paying it but i will be there because i cant stay away. I feel like our own club are ripping us off big time i feel sorry for people who just cant afford it especially considering if we were to progress the prices for the next round will be high and will proberbly need buying before christmas. If our club have their hands tied on this it would be a good time to come out and say so but i very much doubt this is the case it just seems they want to cash in on their own fans expence as they havent fought very hard to get a reduction.
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby marky » Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:01 am

Si Robin, I don't know about Cheltenham, but JPT Trophy games have a history and lower attendances. The costs of running such games still have to be met, just like Tuesday's match so I don't think that part of your argument is valid. I seem to recall most teams lower prices for these games and I see no reason why Tuesday's game couldn't have been treated in the same way. Of course, it all depends on Tuesday's attendance but if it drops by more than 500 then for me charging full price will backfire (charging say £10 and roughly keeping yesterday's attendance levels would actually bring in greater capital).
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Phoenix » Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:56 am

Callum wrote:Me and two friends built an unofficial website with match reports and all sorts. We paid for hosting and domain names and spent several hours a week working on the website but I would never ever use it in an argument because we chose to pay for it and provide a service.

Calum, dazzer chose to highlight the fact that I don't pay to get in. I was merely highlighting the fact I don't just wander in for free and do nothing in return.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even me.

Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby parceldave » Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:48 am

I think both Morecambe F.C and Mark S should do the maths and consider the fans at the same time . Goodwill jesture at this time of year and a Merry Chrismas to all our fans £10 x 2000 = £20,000 everybody happy especially when we have the attraction of playing Prem club in next round. £13 x 1000 if your lucky = £13,000 and a pissed off crowd who think they have been ripped off . :o :o :o . M.F.C , C.F.C and Mark S put your heads together , do the maths and get on the Phone .

P.S And a free Mince Pie if you have kept your ticket. :lol:
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Mark S » Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:59 am

The point I was trying to make last night (from what I remember! :oops: ) was ....

I would bet my house that Morecambe FC wanted to reduce prices and attract more down thus pressing a home advantage.

Cheltenham have a veto on any suggestions that Morecambe put forward. It is not in Cheltenhams interests to have more Morecambe fans behind their team paying less.

We dont know what went on behind closed doors, but Cheltenham held all the aces and possibly knew that full price would cause all this unrest among fans and split them (Divide and conquer anyone?). It is a win win for them, they will get less Morecambe fans (some who are pissed off) at the match and an income that allows them to keep their fans sweet and lay on coaches.

It wasnt in Morecambe FCs hands. The decision wasnt theirs to make no matter what they put in official statements. As I said, anyone who knows Rod will know that usually the first thing he thinks about is the fans.
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby campdave » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:01 am

I'm worried about Tuesday night - we already have large amounts of disgruntled fans (me included), and if we get a big draw this afternoon, I think the atmosphere could be very unpleasant if we don't play well or go behind.

given the weather conditions today, and the seeming cold snap lasting until Tuesday according to current forecast, will the pitch be playable on Tuesday?

Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Richard Head » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:04 am

Mark S wrote:Cheltenham have a veto on any suggestions that Morecambe put forward. It is not in Cheltenhams interests to have more Morecambe fans behind their team paying less.

We dont know what went on behind closed doors, but Cheltenham held all the aces and possibly knew that full price would cause all this unrest among fans and split them (Divide and conquer anyone?). It is a win win for them, they will get less Morecambe fans (some who are pissed off) at the match and an income that allows them to keep their fans sweet and lay on coaches.

It wasnt in Morecambe FCs hands. The decision wasnt theirs to make no matter what they put in official statements. As I said, anyone who knows Rod will know that usually the first thing he thinks about is the fans.

If it is the case that Cheltenham vetoed any suggestion of reducing prices why do the club not issue a statement making that clear. That would put a stop to most of this unrest
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby campdave » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:05 am

Richard Head wrote:
If it is the case that Cheltenham vetoed any suggestion of reducing prices why do the club not issue a statement making that clear. That would put a stop to most of this unrest

Because that would be pretty unprofessional.

Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Christies Child » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:13 am

Mark S wrote:The point I was trying to make last night (from what I remember! :oops: ) was ....

I would bet my house that Morecambe FC wanted to reduce prices and attract more down thus pressing a home advantage.

Cheltenham have a veto on any suggestions that Morecambe put forward. It is not in Cheltenhams interests to have more Morecambe fans behind their team paying less.

We dont know what went on behind closed doors, but Cheltenham held all the aces and possibly knew that full price would cause all this unrest among fans and split them (Divide and conquer anyone?). It is a win win for them, they will get less Morecambe fans (some who are pissed off) at the match and an income that allows them to keep their fans sweet and lay on coaches.

It wasnt in Morecambe FCs hands. The decision wasnt theirs to make no matter what they put in official statements. As I said, anyone who knows Rod will know that usually the first thing he thinks about is the fans.

Have to admit, that that wasn't something i had even thought about.

Good assumption.

:oops: :oops: :oops:
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Keith » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:14 am

The suggestion by some that the club "never do anything for the fans" should consider that the price of getting in to watch the FA Cup match was probably the cheapest second round game in the first place. Certainly we are I believe the cheapest club to get in to for league matches. Perhaps the club could afford to reduce the prices at abandoned games if they charged £14 or more for the twenty-three league matches?

Si Robin's post, as someone not directly affected by this, covers the situation pretty well.

However, I do agree that 'how' the situation is managed could be better.
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby campdave » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:19 am

Keith wrote:Certainly we are I believe the cheapest club to get in to for league matches.

Here's something I prepared earlier :geek:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/campdave/3 ... 3/sizes/o/

Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Old Man Kensey » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:26 am

How about the club starting up a monthly Direct Debit scheme. If it covered the 23 league games and say up to 6 other games including cup games. I think that would be more than enough for an average season. So that would be...

29 x 13 = 377

Let's knock 10% for a discount...

377 - 10% = 339.30

Which would give a monthly payment of around £28. Now if a game is called off like yesterday it is just taken out of the extra 6 games. If we end up playing a 7th game you would have to pay on the door. Just a thought...

Oh and it would also give the club income even if there are only a few home games in any given month. It would also help people budget better in these hard times.
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Mark S » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:39 am

Keith wrote:The suggestion by some that the club "never do anything for the fans" should consider that the price of getting in to watch the FA Cup match was probably the cheapest second round game in the first place. Certainly we are I believe the cheapest club to get in to for league matches. Perhaps the club could afford to reduce the prices at abandoned games if they charged £14 or more for the twenty-three league matches?

Si Robin's post, as someone not directly affected by this, covers the situation pretty well.

However, I do agree that 'how' the situation is managed could be better.

Keith you are missing the point. Whether the club could afford to reduce or couldnt is immaterial, it wasnt their choice ultimately.
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby Richard Head » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:40 am

campdave wrote:
Richard Head wrote:
If it is the case that Cheltenham vetoed any suggestion of reducing prices why do the club not issue a statement making that clear. That would put a stop to most of this unrest

Because that would be pretty unprofessional.

How is it unprofessional? If it is Cheltenham who have put the mockers on prices being reduced they should have the guts for that to be made public rather than Morecambe getting all the bad press
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Re: FA Cup replay date set

Postby slackAlice » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:51 am

campdave wrote:
Richard Head wrote:
If it is the case that Cheltenham vetoed any suggestion of reducing prices why do the club not issue a statement making that clear. That would put a stop to most of this unrest

Because that would be pretty unprofessional.

It would ... if thats how it unfolded after yesterday's abandonment , the thing is we don't know ? Its all pretty sad from the 'Fans' perspective though ; having just finished reading yesterday's programme notes from Sammy and inparticular Mark paying enormous tributes to the 'Bournemouth 52' - how important the 'Fans' are and believe you me they are IMPORTANT.
The decision to announce a replay date and admission prices was quick.. if one party was adamant that they should give a reduction to those that attended yesterdays match on production of a ticket stub , you'd expect some deliberation wouldn't you ?
If the 'decision makers' from either club agreed that they can / should / will charge full price for Tuesday's match - IMO its wrong. It might be that some people see the sense in it -economically etc.
But we as 'customer's / Fans' have a choice - the die hards will be there even if they decided to double the admission , your week in and week out Fans should not be made to feel bad about missing this one IMO - it sends a message to the 'suits' who make these decisions that loyalty has its limits. Its all very well saying get behind the lads its not their fault - we all know that and the majority players are'nt faced with the same financial pressures as your ordinary Fan.
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