O/T Student protests

Re: O/T Student protests

Postby alwaysright » Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:39 pm

Shrimper i may have got 1 word wrong but at least i do know right from wrong, doesnt matter how much you try and paint over it they are still arseholes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby thegentlegiant » Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:49 pm

Morecambe Jack wrote:I'm a student and I haven't been involved in any of the protests at all and obviously condemn all the violence, although it is a very small number of people.

What is ridiculous is your attack on students as a whole gentlegiant just because we've followed a different path in life than yourself. You might have made yourself proud in life without going to Uni but what on Earth has that got to do with people going to university who have aspired to do so all their life? The loans we get are not adequate to live off anyway; I have friends whose loans did not even cover the cost of their accommodation so the theory that we "piss it up the wall" is wrong. Yes students enjoy themselves outside of study but so do any other people our age and like someone said, student spending is integral to local economies across the UK.

Your point that the skills students learn are never used has already been rejected by people giving examples of them using their degrees in work. There are also other transferable skills learnt at university which employers look for - obviously they can be obtained in other ways but that doesn't discredit the purpose of university. On the tax issue, of course we are not exempt in our first 12 months of working, that’s a ridiculous claim.

Your point about University being a luxury because “some people never made it to there [sic] GCSE's due to bullying” is also short sighted. There are many people at university who were bullied at school but still did well academically and came to university and had a fresh start. I lived with someone in first year who opening said that they were bullied throughout school and had little or no confidence because of it when they came to university. Honestly, you would not believe the transformation to now and that is all due to the university experience.

I also don’t think that this 12 month voluntary idea is necessary either, CC. Why should people have to volunteer for 12 months just to get into university? It is as if you are saying that students make no contribution to society at all. That’s an absolute joke. There are many societies at university which students get involved in to help the local community – I am a member of one at the University of Manchester. Many students spend a lot of their time helping the community and spend even more time and money fundraising for various charities. So actually, a lot of students do have a “flavour of the real world” and understand their “responsibilities to society”, and I take offense at you suggesting that we are in some sort of fantasy land.

At the end of the day, 3k a year is a joke....9k a year for an education is adequate IMO, if what you are saying is true then those people who want to excel in life will find the money.

have you ever wondered why the loans are not enough??? because you piss it up the wall and don't even deny it.

although there is a drinking culture among students have you ever considered what this student culture does to the local economy (I'm taking drinking, shopping and use of local amenities? No? take a look at both Preston and Lancaster and tell me they would be the same or better places without students.

Yes your absolutely right they help the economy greatly but my point is they get into severe debt because of the drinking culture then have the cheek to say they will be in more debt due to the increase in study fee's, have they not partially brought this on their self?

I would love to have gone to uni, but I could not cope with the severe bullying I was put under so never did my GCSE's, Since leaving school I undertook GNVQ ict for which I loved but could not progress any further unless I did my gcse all over again but had no time as had to work for a living.

I hope the government come to some sort of compromise, 3k -9k is a huge leap and hopefully the government will also see this, there IMO has to be an increase though even if it's an extra 1k then so be it. Yes that may be a little bit contradicting of what I have already said but I am speaking wholeheartedly I certainly ain't coming on here to upset anyone. This is the way I have seen it for years now.

I have a friend who studies at Newcastle uni and he is studying computer science which he loves. He pays for it himself he works in the summer and in between studies to pay for his chosen profession.
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby Morecambe Jack » Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:59 pm

We wouldn't have to find the money because its all paid for by the government, we would pay it back in the same way as currently but just after earning 21k rather than 15k. I don't have a big issue with it. Its a lot to pay but at the end of the day its only paid if your successful.

But you dont have a clue gentlegiant in your anti-student argument. I have told you that I had friends whose loans did not even cover their accomodation costs. That means they wouldn't have enough to even put a roof over their head never mind eat or drink without their parents helping them. These are not people from wealthy backgrounds by the way.
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby Keith » Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:47 pm

Peter wrote:
Keith wrote: I want the best people in the best jobs rather than the people from the wealthiest families in the best jobs.

Heysham_red wrote:and just in case anyone was interested in my drivel!

http://www.personneltoday.com/articles/ ... -cipd.html

Good link H_r, cancels Keith out.

How does it cancel my comments out? My comment remains totally valid. I want the best people you want privileged people.

Morecambe Jack wrote:I also don’t think that this 12 month voluntary idea is necessary either, CC. Why should people have to volunteer for 12 months just to get into university?

It's very simple Jack, if you can't afford to take 12 months out without getting any money, then you can't be good enough to go to University. Where-as if mummy & daddy can help you volunteer for a year, then obviously you should go to university. Do keep up dear boy...

Peter wrote:
Keith wrote:The Dems have quite possibly made their party entirely defunct by backing this process. They are effectively saying that their manifesto is one of this is what we will do if you don't vote us in to power, if you do vote us in to power then we'll do as we are told.

What would Labour have done?

OY!!! What on earth makes you think I'm a Labour supporter? I'm delighted that the shower of lying twats who've taken the country in to an illegal war and have blood on their hands, are out on their arse.

The Tories are the party who can come out of this with integrity intact. We all know they are against meritocracy on principle, we know they are happy to shaft poor people and to keep them in their traditional position. The Tories are doing what the Tories do. I may disagree with their policies but at least they have integrity. Labour are clueless and the Democrats have dropped any pretence of being Liberal in exchange for being Tory lap dogs.
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby essex_shrimp » Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:52 pm

My brother finshed uni last year and was out 24k in debt and ok you can gain a good job out of this.

why cant people not fight regarding work and work themselves up the ladder like i plan to do .

and I voted Liberal Dem not knowing it would be 50-50 with David Cameron can be worse we could be a labour place and gordan brown and tony blairs lies
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby Keith » Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:08 pm

essex_shrimp wrote:
why cant people not fight regarding work and work themselves up the ladder like i plan to do .

With all due respect Darren and in no way taking any 'cheap shots', you are proving your own argument. You've been struggling to be offered a start just to get on the bottom rung for the last 12 months. Working your way up the ladder is tough enough. Denying opportunities to poor people just makes it tougher and maintains the status-quo.
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby essex_shrimp » Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:16 pm

Keith everyone will have different opinions about this.

After I finish my a levels I had choice uni or fight regarding work .

And i enjoy the idea fighting getting back to work and Keith if any ShrimpsVoices get the chance to chat to me face to face then you'd understand.

I am not after a argument and i do think these student protests should keep happening these students are the future .

My opinion is if you got passion do it not doubt just do it something my grandad told me life is only as hard as you make it out to be.
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby Plain Peter » Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:11 pm

Keith wrote:How does it cancel my comments out? My comment remains totally valid. I want the best people you want privileged people.

Read the link posted by Heysham_red.
I want privileged people! I was born on Sun Street, dad was a shift foreman at ICI at Middleton. Got there on his bike, 12 miles round-trip in all weathers (Fred Dibner wouldn't have done that ;).) I left school at 16 and ran away to the RN. What sort of privileged person does that make me then?
Plain Peter

Re: O/T Student protests

Postby mrpotatohead » Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:18 pm

a freind of mine put herself through uni by appearing as a model in asien babes several times as a model and still had to survive on pot noodles, god knows what she would have to resort to now the unprincipled libdems are selling their souls on a weekly basis :!:
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby Plain Peter » Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:03 pm

Can't understand this changing their mind business either.
Is it a new phenomenon?
Forget about the illegal wars, and the sacrificing of our brave young servicemen and women.
How many times did Labour change their mind, dilly-dally, or do sweet FA in their 13 years?
The [Lord] Brown Report was a Labour initiative.
The Lib Dems changed their minds because the results of the Report hadn't been agreed at the time of the May Election.
Students have got a better deal as a result than they would have done under the Labour lot.
I ain't a committed Tory either.
All I want is the truth, and the best possible outcome as a tax payer!
We weren't getting that under Gordon Brown, and the shit was getting deeper and censiderably stickier!
Plain Peter

Re: O/T Student protests

Postby durianmuncher » Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:57 pm

mrpotatohead wrote:a freind of mine put herself through uni by appearing as a model in asien babes several times as a model and still had to survive on pot noodles, god knows what she would have to resort to now the unprincipled libdems are selling their souls on a weekly basis :!:

Ok, Let's have the pics posted up then...
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby CASS » Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:42 pm


Poor student ? worried about long term debt ? Not this guy. Just "another prick in the halls"
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby Morectalk » Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:27 pm

F**king hate students - Paul Calf had it right.
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby mrpotatohead » Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:39 pm

this strong feeling in general against students on here is a bit racist, we need educated people to do difficult tasks other than delivering things.

the well paid individuals that got themselves educated pay back the nation by paying something called income tax, and soon to be raised, vat.

Anyone on here who has kids on here at uni will know that the fees are the thin end of a big wedge, it costs caring parents a fortune to put their children through university, and the average student is not born with a silver spoon in their mouths.
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Re: O/T Student protests

Postby Plain Peter » Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:14 am

mrpotatohead wrote:the well paid individuals that got themselves educated pay back the nation by paying something called income tax, and soon to be raised, vat.

Since when have 'soft' degree courses, with non-existant jobs at the end of the course, been any benefit to the nation?

mrpotatohead wrote:Anyone on here who has kids on here at uni will know that the fees are the thin end of a big wedge, it costs caring parents a fortune to put their children through university, and the average student is not born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

Over a 52 week year how many weeks does a student attend University?
During term time, how many hours, on average per week, does the average 'soft' degree student spend a) in the classroom, and b) study, and other course related work?

Perhaps the length of some of these University courses should be shortened by 50%, I'm sure the content could remain the same.
That'd help ease the financial burden for a) the parent, b) the tax payer, and c) the student.
It's also increase the paid working life of the student, which with the extra taxes he/she would pay would benefit everyone!
Plain Peter

Re: O/T Student protests

Postby mrpotatohead » Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:37 am

the same could be said about school, but life aint like that is it, people learn in their own time.
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