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Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 7:45 am
by Gone_Shrimping
Just seen that the meeting with JW has been moved to Friday !

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:01 am
by marky No.1
Well done Joel for making this national and yes Jason delayed till Friday :roll:

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:11 am
by Billy bodger
Not surprised at all, with the talksport interview up and coming.

It is good however that it’s has only been moved and not cancelled after hearing rumours yesterday as I have said I don’t know what it will achieve.

JW should be meeting the BOD’s and bringing his buyers up to see what they are getting for there money. That seems more than a reasonable thing to do with your prospective buyers.

On that subject have the Americans recently paid a visit? Just to see if their offer was reasonable?

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:40 am
by black morse
Billy bodger wrote:Not surprised at all, with the talksport interview up and coming.

It is good however that it’s has only been moved and not cancelled after hearing rumours yesterday as I have said I don’t know what it will achieve.

JW should be meeting the BOD’s and bringing his buyers up to see what they are getting for there money. That seems more than a reasonable thing to do with your prospective buyers.

On that subject have the Americans recently paid a visit? Just to see if their offer was reasonable?

Do we really believe that there is a potential buyer, American or otherwise? We've heard all this so many times before :roll:

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:53 am
by Old Man Kensey
What was said on Talksport, I missed that?

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 9:23 am
by marky No.1
Old Man Kensey wrote:What was said on Talksport, I missed that?

No new information other than Jason not turning up tonight.
Jeff and Ally asked questions but clearly only one person has the answers.
Everything we actually know was put across the airways including the possibility of administration and the chance of fielding a team of teenagers.
On -12 points that would clearly be relegation and a downward spiral.
Jeff said at least you will have a Club to support

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 9:34 am
by Billy bodger
Black Morse, I was being Facetious when it comes to JW.

I Don’t (and I think nobody at MFC does), believe anything he does or says, as we have been warned repeatedly by Worcester Warrior fans.

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 12:04 pm
by John L is the 8:30-9:00 section and Joel is on from 22 mins in, for about 8 mins before rolling over into the next half hour section for a few seconds. Well said Joel and some very useful national exposure. Hope Friday goes well!

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 3:38 pm
by Billy bodger
So if I even begin to understand what’s going on at the moment, we have stalemate between the Owner of the Club and its BOD’s. No movement forward on anything.

If JW sells the Club besides being a complete surprise, who will he sell to?

If JW remains the owner of the Club, will the BOD’s have to sign off on last season for us to play in League 2 next season. I would think JW will be of a mind the BOD’s will have to for the club to keep going.

Good little bit of exposure but that’s about as far as that goes, really isn’t it, in reality.

Next move I would say is down to the BOD’s in JW’s mind, if not, he can blame things on them as a deflection from his total S hit show of being an owner.

If he is still in place I expect a whole waft of problems like Joel said.

If I’m wrong it’s because I’m praying for a good conclusion to the mess we are in

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 4:50 pm
by black morse
On the 8 of May Rod gave an interview to Radio Lancs saying the embargo had to be lifted within next 2 weeks. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since that interview with no news of embargo being lifted. If it had been the Board would definitely have announced it if only to increase season ticket sales. Neither has any budget been approved. We were all saying May was going to be critical....3 days before the end of May :roll:

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 4:55 pm
by Old Man Kensey
black morse wrote:On the 8 of May Rod gave an interview to Radio Lancs saying the embargo had to be lifted within next 2 weeks. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since that interview with no news of embargo being lifted. If it had been the Board would definitely have announced it if only to increase season ticket sales. Neither has any budget been approved. We were all saying May was going to be critical....3 days before the end of May :roll:

This is what worries me. Rod was very adamant that something had to happen in the next couple of weeks. Nothing has...

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 5:03 pm
by Redalert1970
Sadly we are staring the abyss in the face

So so sad

Two years ago we were going to Sunderland, Ipswich, Derby etc

How the hell has it come too this

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 7:16 pm
by BerlinWaller
With the meeting being pushed back by Jason at the last minute, it seems to me that he enjoys having everybody on strings. Part of me thinks the Trust should just tell him to jog on and get the club sold. What is the point of having a chat when the other party is just trying to blag and bull shit you?

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 7:27 pm
by Gone_Shrimping
Unless he is going to say he has a buyer then I don't see what we , the fans , can gain from this meeting.

Selling the club is the only positive thing that could happen and anything else such as him giving the club a budget are pointless. We are going to struggle to attract any decent players and a manager if the ownership remains as it is.

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:38 pm
by mrpotatohead
He will fob them off till he has news , or he will tell them a fanciful tale that may be vaguely possible, he will, also tell them tall tales regarding the board to deflect blame , hes0's good at spin and waffle so they will come away with slight hope......then he will shit all over the clubs fans.

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:59 pm
by Redalert1970
Personally don't think Friday will even happen but hey ho

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 9:06 pm
by black morse
BerlinWaller wrote:
P/T Indie wrote:Radio lancs have been wanting to speak to him for ages so why now?

Because the BoD's publically called him out for being the chancer he is. Jason is trying to save face and wants to get involved in a public spat via the Trust and BBC Lancs. I am 99% sure that "Argumetative" was in fact Jason trying to cause bother on here.

Having just re-read some of his previous comments I think you're right BW. In particular the roasting he gave fans for talking about 'OUR club'. It was as if he was saying 'no it's not your club it's MINE"

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 9:57 pm
by Redalert1970
What reason was given for cancelling the meeting ??

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 8:09 am
by CityShrimp
I suspect that the meeting will happen and Jason will tell us:-

1. That there is serious interest and he is close to selling the club.
2. That the late payment of wages were isolated cash flow issues which won’t happen again.
3. That he is committed to finding a buyer asap and wants what is best for the club.

Which will be the most boring, predictable and pointless outcome possible because that will be what he’s been telling the BoD for the last 2 years and that will still be his line in 3 months time (assuming we aren’t in administration by then).

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 8:55 am
by BerlinWaller
The Trust will have some very good and valid questions but only one question matters. It's not really a question is it? Just sell the club. Sell the club and do one. Don't massage his ego by entertaining the bull shit and sob stories. Sell the club or we will step up our campaign against you. You can not reason with a Tiger when your head is already in its mouth.

This isn't a pop at the Trust who have been doing a great job in generating interest within the national media. They are duty bound to accept the meeting with the Clown and i'm sure they will represent the fan base well.

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 8:57 am
by black morse
Redalert1970 wrote:What reason was given for cancelling the meeting ??

Jason thinks it's none of our business :lol:

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 4:45 pm
by sandgrown
now more than ever I'm convinced JW wants a Worcester Warriors REPEAT for some reason !

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 4:59 pm
by glagys
now more than ever I'm convinced JW wants a Worcester Warriors REPEAT for some reason !

Yep I half suspect that he will tell us that we are going into administration

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 5:37 pm
by BerlinWaller
I think he will go the other way. Say he is keeping the club going against all the odds and that none of it is his fault. He will say that the Directors are working against him and that he has had investment lined up but due to factors out of his control, they have fallen through. He is a nut job, you can see what is coming a mile off.

Re: Shrimps Trust to meet with Mr Whittingham

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 5:52 pm
by Billy bodger
If he does this then it could save him money personally, but more than that I believe it would be a deliberate nasty leaving gift to the Club, -12 points.

Is he a better man than that? Reading what the Wocester Warriors fans say about him there is no chance!

I can also quite easily see things taking a real turn for the worse and he will blame the BOD’s and us the supporters. While he gets the Club sold and any debts, potentially wiped off.

I hope I and others are all totally wrong.