Sammy sees the light

Re: Sammy sees the light

Postby Bare Ben » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:38 pm

PUNKISDEAD wrote:I do not think mark would bump things lightly, he is a reasonable bloke, when you make a post and someone comes back with something a bit shirty or personal you can get your hekkles up and maybe reply in a nasty way, at the end of the day we all support the same team, have a variety of views, and have a duty to keep debate civil, imo.

Absolutely 100% agree
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Re: Sammy sees the light

Postby D-EZ » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:18 pm

Number 1 wrote:Whilst I'm not too keen on the tone and ferocity of D-EZ's post, you have to agree that they make some salient points albeit I think that we will survive. Chester, Barnet and Macclesfield will all have a say in the "Being shit" stakes I think.

The most salient point they make is when he says "At this moment we are shit". It's true, we are. A lot of people say it's because Stanley and Drummond aren't in the team because of Sammy's fall outs. The main thing is that as I have alluded to in my posts before, at least we can get better whilst the minus points teams are playing catchup.

Unfortunatly, it's well known that Morecambe don't pay the best wages, and whilst that situation exists, as well as our geographical location, Sammy will have his work cut out attracting the better players for the division. Once more money comes in and the new ground and website and hopefully commercial activities start to pay more, so we should be able to compete on more equal terms.

If I do have a criticism of Sammy, it's the way he can ostracise players when clearly that harms the team. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is passionate, but I think he might well bear a grudge too much. Discipline a player by all means, but hurt the player in the pocket with fines, rather than punish the team or (eventually) the fans. That way they'll get the message.

What I would ask D-EZ is: assuming you sack Sammy, who would you bring in? Which players would you bring in, and do you think they will come to Morecambe for what you can pay them?

I don't actually know. You're right up there I understand that. Morecambe isn't the best of places for anyone and Sammy would obviously be very hard to replace. But the thing is I just can't see us moving forward and to move forward you have to take gambles/risks. I'm sorry if anyone fount my posts offensive and yes I agree we all support the same club and the last thing we need is a civil war breaking out between our own sets. But I speak my mind wether people like/want my opinon this is what a message board is for.
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Re: Sammy sees the light

Postby PUNKISDEAD » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:41 pm

Nice to see things back on track girls (joke, guys honest)

Its not an easy time for the club at the present time, and it is good to see that sammy and stanners have also buried their differences for the good of the team.

twissy might be able to fill the position wayne curtis is making a pigs ear of though!!!

you can see the well meaning , hard working man think!!
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Re: Sammy sees the light

Postby PUNKISDEAD » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:47 pm

If you are on line Wayne, that wasl aso said tongue in cheek, keep up the goos stuff!!!
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Re: Sammy sees the light

Postby marky » Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:57 am

Number 1 wrote:If I do have a criticism of Sammy, it's the way he can ostracise players when clearly that harms the team. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is passionate, but I think he might well bear a grudge too much. Discipline a player by all means, but hurt the player in the pocket with fines, rather than punish the team or (eventually) the fans. That way they'll get the message.

Ostracising players is a quality he shares with his predecessor, a man who failed with 2 five year plans and was rightly sacked. Sammy has taken us to the next level and, whilst I believe most of his summer signings have been flops thus far (and I don't care what anyone says, they also had enough games in pre-season to prove their worth), it's too early to be calling for his head (as one member was earlier). None of us know what goes on behind the scenes, but we do know the chairman is very ambitious and ambition comes with pressure.
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Re: Sammy sees the light

Postby The Red Knight » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:58 am

D-EZ wrote:I'm sure many here would rather have Joe Lewis than a new stadium in 5 years time? Spend money wisely.

Your basic lack of understanding of Football League rules is staggering.

5 years isn't the time scale, it's 2 as if we don't have the stadium built by that time then we will be thrown out of the league as Christie Park isn't up to League standards.

Also, take a look at the natural order of this league and see where we place in it. I'd say the only clubs we are "bigger" than in this league are Dagenham, Macclesfield, Barnet, Accrington and possibly Chester. The only reason we are in a better position that these clubs is because of the invetment by the board in the playing side of the club that sees us lose hundreds of thousands of pounds every year. Without this investment we wouldn't even be in the Football League. With that in mind any finish above 18th is a huge achievement for our club.

Whilst we are attracting crowds of 1500 and are restricted by the resources available at Christie Park we should be happy with simply staying in this League.

Until we are in the new stadium and averaging crowds of at the very least 3000 then we can forget about finishing in the top 10, never mind the playoffs.
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Re: Sammy sees the light

Postby slackAlice » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:00 am

Number 1
If I do have a criticism of Sammy, it's the way he can ostracise players when clearly that harms the team. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is passionate, but I think he might well bear a grudge too much. Discipline a player by all means, but hurt the player in the pocket with fines, rather than punish the team or (eventually) the fans. That way they'll get the message.

But Morecambe do not have the luxury of ostracising players - if that is the case? It would be niave in the extreme to expect everybody to get along and for there to be no differences of opinions within the club , team or any work-place. But it shouldn't matter if your a 'Butcher ... a Baker or a Candlestick maker... or a Professional Football Player / Manager ?' The most important thing is the job gets DONE and to make the best of what you've got.
I , like many others, no doubt , have worked in places / situations where there has been disputes and fallings out - [skin & hair in some cases] .. But you get the job done - Professional football should be no different IMO.
I don't think its a particularly good sign that 'dirty washing is out in the public domain' anyway but OUR hunger to know everthing determines that we get to hear almost everything. I mean we don't know whats happened in the Sammy / Stanners saga - just bits here and there - half-truths ? But as the media would say its about time 'a line was drawn under the whole affair'. If certain personnel can't / won't get on then somebody will have to 'step in' to resolve it once and for all or somebody may have to move on. You can't keep having fallings out that effect team selection - its just NOT professional IMO.
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Re: Sammy sees the light

Postby D-EZ » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:58 am

The Red Knight wrote:
D-EZ wrote:I'm sure many here would rather have Joe Lewis than a new stadium in 5 years time? Spend money wisely.

Your basic lack of understanding of Football League rules is staggering.

5 years isn't the time scale, it's 2 as if we don't have the stadium built by that time then we will be thrown out of the league as Christie Park isn't up to League standards.

No my friend YOU'RE basic lack of understanding of Football League rules is staggering. We will not be thrown out of the league if we don't have a stadium in two years time.
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