'Ultras' Type Group

Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby ezz » Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:47 pm

morecambe mick wrote:Great post maccawozagod, thanks.

You make some valid and good, through experience, points.

I have to say though that there have been people who have made this effort at Morecambe, and not that long ago either.
Speaking primarily about Carlisle Paul/Stanley Bowles and myself.
We have organised replacement drums when others have been stolen, with thanks to others on Voices. Been home and away playing the drum and singing our hearts out, organising buses through thick and thin.

In the end barracking and back stabbing from other Morecambe fans, some who will read this and know who they are, has in the end been too much. Nobody comes up with easy catchy songs but slag off others who are just singing to get behind the players.
I've left the drum playing to others, I'll leave it to others to judge.

We travelled with young lads showing them how to behave and have a good time at the same time, who themselves have now grown into those fans that clubs are desperate for.
A great bunch of lads.
We called ourselves the Indies. Only because we were independent of the official travel, that had "become old". Morecambe fans complained about us calling oursleves anything. Let that be a warning for anyone wanting to organise anything.

The problem with Morecambe folk is that they can't even be bothered enough to be apathetic.
No-one will commit to anything, even the guy who calls himself P/T Indie hasn't travelled away with us for about 3 years. Sorry Phil but it makes a point.
I still hate the flag waving though!

I don't think anyone wants a poor atmosphere at christie park, I think it makes football so much better, though cannot vouche for your personal experiences of others. I'd love to come up with a easy/catchy song but sadly not that talented in with songs :lol:
In terms of song choice, I feel the songs that we sing arn't that great in terms of getting a lot involved and sustaining the song for a longer time as Macca said.
Atmosphere is a very hard thing to change permanently, people get used to either being loud every game or not. We seem to be stuck in the middle somehwere
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Wild Bill » Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:51 pm

I think the major issue with the atmosphere (or lack of it) is the devisions between different groups of fans. Having a group of Ultras will only widen this gap.

The traditional groups of singers from 10-15 years ago have got a bit middle-aged and don't seem to get involved with with the chanting as much - so the void has been filled by the so-called 'kids'. This leads to smaller groups trying to set-off different songs and neither really helping each other out.

What we really need is some unity and more people getting behind every chant. it would help if we had less childish abuse of other teams and player etc and more simple stuff like 'come on Morecambe!' etc that everyone feels comfortable joining in with. Having a few banners and some ballons for every home game isn't going to create a better matchday experience IMO and will just make us look a bit tinpot like Stanley. I think the fireworks we have at the moment are also a waste of pennies! :roll:

I love an atmosphere and enjoy the game much more when I can shout myself horse! Lets just all do our bit and cheer on the team the right way. :D
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Caged Lion » Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:58 pm

I hope that this thread can generate some real passion with the singers, atmosphere has been fairly low level this year compared to past seasons.

My 'disco' days are long gone but I understand (and remember) just how tremendous it is to be part of an Ultras style set of fans. Particularly vocal days when Burnley were in Division 4 and the Longside was rocking as they tried to help the team get out of that division.

The current set of Morecambe singers should be applauded for their constant attempts to get atmosphere going at CP. They have great good humour and passion but the numbers are small. Bear in mind that we stand at the back of the North Stand about halfway between the goals and the corner flag. Sadly a lot of the energy coming from the middle of the stand doesn't transmit out there too well and it only seems to be Mrs Lion who joins in. Most who regularly stand around us barely emit a squeek unless we have scored a goal.

Flags, banners, balloons do the trick, they give tremendous visual impact and draw together folk who may want to join in but don't know how to approach that section. Check out the Stanley Ultras who have some outrageously big flags, they are not huge in number but their passion and energy is infectious. I often feel like joining in their songs when they get going. It doesn't matter a toss if they are schoolkids or older committed fans, it is the way to go and I really hope that you guys can get something going that will have the same success.

Perhaps the Globe will be better for atmosphere, the North Stand at CP is seldom more than a third full, and most of us don't sing...good luck :D
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Curly » Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:11 pm

Think you've hit the nail on the head, billy boy.
Most older fans won't join in with sweary chants and don't hate anyone.
How could you stand with your kids and swear like a trooper, then try to discipline them
later for using that language in a different situation.
Some people are put off attending matches by the language, it's why the FA are trying
to discourage it, making matches more family friendly places.
Banter with away fans must never die, it's part of the game but put it in a witty manner
and you can make your point, have respect and gain friends at the same time.
You bunch of ......... :lol:

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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Jase (SU) » Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:41 am

A great thread And I nearly missed it. Only come on here twice a season pre & post the derby & have always loved the vibe on this forum. Far better than Accyweb although I have decided to join in and try & redress the balance on there recently (moan moan moan..... :)

Macca's post sums everything up about SU. We have old heads leading in the main (me, Loweiy, me, Macca, me, Bubs) but it means the youngsters are educated in the ways of the terrace. Songs then are slower & constant. Songs like "we hate" are rarely sung. We hardly ever slag oppo fans; at least not until we have done our full repoitoire of songs. Even then its lighthearted & in jest. The only way to have a terrace you are proud of is to make sure YOU control what goes on. The older "indies" should lose their inhibitions & support the youngsters however untrendy that may feel.....

Any criticism in person from fans should be heeded. Any on forums should be ignored inthe main. There are many "warriors " out their who will never say these things to your face. Stick to your principles, have a definate direction & get on with it. Have an ignore button in your brain at the ready :)

The same goes with praise. Leave it to others, let them praise you & if that happens then great but don't go looking for it. At the start, we were slagged from all corners, OSC especially. Nazi Italian etc etc. In hind sight, now I know more about UK Ultras I would probably steer clear of the ultra tag too. But we have grown as a group & we now have a decent Anti Modern Football mentality, sing constantly during the game & create colourful pre match TIFO displays. But on that issue I would steer clear of using the term Ultras. It has far reaching meaning & a subject in its own right.

Finally, the main plus from our group is the impact on the youngsters. Our section of the terrace is constantly full. The away travel is full of 16-19 year olds & the kids are hooked. On that note, can Morecambe afford not to have a group ?

I wouldn't see it as copying, as we copied of RU at Aberdeen. I see it as adding something unique to your support. After all, we can only rub it in if you do copy us twice a year. Morecambe having a like minded group would compliment your club for 50 games a season.

Good Luck , I hope the right individuals take this & run with it. I have met the best friends & had the best time at football standing shoulder to shoulder with fellow Accy fans under the banner of SU. The journey is ace, but the things you do now will reap benefits fully in the years ahead.

Just beware though, I reckon I have personally spent over £2,000 towards the cause from the first THIS IS STANLEY banner at £104 to the huge ON STANLEY ON at around £300. We now ask for donations & recently spent £75 on poles & £60 odd on material.

But the results are amazing IMHO........




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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Jase (SU) » Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:48 am

Caged Lion wrote: It doesn't matter a toss if they are schoolkids or older committed fans, it is the way to go and I really hope that you guys can get something going that will have the same success.

Perhaps the Globe will be better for atmosphere, the North Stand at CP is seldom more than a third full, and most of us don't sing...good luck :D

Some of the main lads in Stanley Ultras started out as kids in 2004 when we started. They now lead the terrace at times & are utterly committed to ASFC.

Waiting for a new ground to suddenly magic up an atmosphere will fail, only the fans can do that. Ask Cardiff fans or shrews fans
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Posh » Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:27 pm

Just to pick up on points in Morecambe Mick and Maccas posts. Firstly I've got enormous respect for what Morecambe Mick and Carlisle Paul did in organising The Indies and getting fans together in an organised way.

Now here's where I choose my words incredibly carefully because, rightly, a few people are touchy on the subject. As Macca has alluded too the Ultras have a small group within the group who give leadership and set the tone. In the Ultras case, for me, this has meant passion, support for your team above all else, and a lot of humour. I think that's also the same for both Mick and Paul. However, I and a few others had serious concerns because of events we witnessed first hand where the wrong kind of leadership was exerted (not by Mick and Paul and in no way were they responsible), which was wholly negative and stepped into hooliganism. I don't want to list the incidents, anyone can PM me, but one in particular made my wife physically sick and will never attend an away game again because of it and another meant another Morecambe supporter doesn't go to away games. I'm not going to say who was responsible but, I can only speak for myself, it undermined all the brilliant work done by Morecambe Mick and Carlisle Paul, as well as, again in my view, tarnished The Indies themselves, who were predominantly a good bunch of lads.

I'd be happy to see either a small group or a wider supporters club setup that laid out its aspirations / objectives from the start along the lines of the above - i.e. that was wholly positive, got behind the team, was there for fun and enjoyment, that didn't discriminate and excluded people who acted in a racist way or were involved in any form of hooliganism. As I said before I'd be happy to throw in the spare money from the Burton banner plus a bit more to get a group like that up and running, as well as provide help such as design and web help, if needed.
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby bigreddog » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:44 pm

I'd be more than happy to get involved to set something like this up. Limited thouh my skills and contibution would be, I'd be very happy to do my bit.
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby steve mfc » Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:37 pm

Great atmosphere tonight, just goes to show what it can be like, now lets keep it going.
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Keith » Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:12 pm

Posh wrote:...that didn't discriminate and excluded people who acted in a racist way or were involved in any form of hooliganism.

isn't that discriminating against people who are racist or hooligans??? :roll:

Sorry, one of my pet peevs is the way "discriminate" is used generically. For example, I tell my staff I want them to discriminate, because that is how you treat people as individuals, treating everyone the same regardless of individuality is to not discriminate.

You'll have to come and post on here more frequently Jase!
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Caged Lion » Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:28 pm

steve mfc wrote:Great atmosphere tonight, just goes to show what it can be like, now lets keep it going.

Completely agree. The singers got it going with Barmy Army right from the off and kept that up for ages which set the tone for the night.

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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Crooky MFC » Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:42 am

For the Aldershot game, i'm planning on buying some materials for which I can make an end of an era banner for the North Stand. This could be held aloft 5 minutes before the players come onto the pitch.

Finally, I can put my Art GCSE into some good use lol.

As for tonight, atmosphere wise it was alot better than previous home games - we'll try our best to keep that up for the rest of the season :D
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby mfc:) » Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:09 pm

If thinking about getting some banners anyone sure burtons couple last night ? If you have ever been to shrewsbury they have a various amount saying salops ect .We could get some saying shrimps or red army.
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby heysham_mfc » Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:10 pm

yeah noticed they had a few banners behind the goal
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Harry » Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:55 am

Similar to Stanley's, we could have a few saying 'Shrimps', 'Red Army' etc etc...

Maybe even 'Pride of Lancashire' :twisted:
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Crooky MFC » Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:27 am


Just a few little ideas
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Posh » Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:11 pm

Keith wrote:
Posh wrote:...that didn't discriminate and excluded people who acted in a racist way or were involved in any form of hooliganism.

isn't that discriminating against people who are racist or hooligans??? :roll:

Sorry, one of my pet peevs is the way "discriminate" is used generically.

Fair enough. To clarify I'd like to see an organisation that includes any Morecambe fans, except those who are racist, violent and / or expressed hatred to their fellow human being. How's that?
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Keith » Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:45 pm

Posh wrote:
Keith wrote:
Posh wrote:...that didn't discriminate and excluded people who acted in a racist way or were involved in any form of hooliganism.

isn't that discriminating against people who are racist or hooligans??? :roll:

Sorry, one of my pet peevs is the way "discriminate" is used generically.

Fair enough. To clarify I'd like to see an organisation that includes any Morecambe fans, except those who are racist, violent, pedantic gits and / or expressed hatred to their fellow human being. How's that?

That's probably better! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Burnley Shrimp » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:01 am

Caged Lion wrote:
steve mfc wrote:Great atmosphere tonight, just goes to show what it can be like, now lets keep it going.

Completely agree. The singers got it going with Barmy Army right from the off and kept that up for ages which set the tone for the night.


Agreed! The lads at the back set a frenetic pace from the off. I thought they'd last about 15-20 minutes then crash and burn with either sore throats or if Burton took the lead. The latter came to pass but they kept up the noise (to their credit) and no doubt despite many sore throats they also kept up the noise for most of the game. The barmy army chant also got quite a few around us involved (bottom right of goals) which helped even more.

Hows about the home end sponsored by TCP throat gargle next season? :D
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby morecambe mick » Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:18 pm

Posh wrote:Just to pick up on points in Morecambe Mick and Maccas posts. Firstly I've got enormous respect for what Morecambe Mick and Carlisle Paul did in organising The Indies and getting fans together in an organised way.

Now here's where I choose my words incredibly carefully because, rightly, a few people are touchy on the subject. As Macca has alluded too the Ultras have a small group within the group who give leadership and set the tone. In the Ultras case, for me, this has meant passion, support for your team above all else, and a lot of humour. I think that's also the same for both Mick and Paul. However, I and a few others had serious concerns because of events we witnessed first hand where the wrong kind of leadership was exerted (not by Mick and Paul and in no way were they responsible), which was wholly negative and stepped into hooliganism. I don't want to list the incidents, anyone can PM me, but one in particular made my wife physically sick and will never attend an away game again because of it and another meant another Morecambe supporter doesn't go to away games. I'm not going to say who was responsible but, I can only speak for myself, it undermined all the brilliant work done by Morecambe Mick and Carlisle Paul, as well as, again in my view, tarnished The Indies themselves, who were predominantly a good bunch of lads.

I'd be happy to see either a small group or a wider supporters club setup that laid out its aspirations / objectives from the start along the lines of the above - i.e. that was wholly positive, got behind the team, was there for fun and enjoyment, that didn't discriminate and excluded people who acted in a racist way or were involved in any form of hooliganism. As I said before I'd be happy to throw in the spare money from the Burton banner plus a bit more to get a group like that up and running, as well as provide help such as design and web help, if needed.

O.K I've thought long and hard about a reply to this post, I didn't want to give a knee jerk reaction. The fact that I rarely post anything serious should underline how strong my feeling is on this.

Firstly the Indies was set up for fun away travel, to gel supporters and to be noisy in a supportive way. I think we succeeded in that for a large part.
Quite a number of people who read this message board have travelled with us and have experienced nothing more than fun (football exempted). We "borrowed" a saying from a group calling themselves "The Professionals" - "Don't let the football spoil your day". OK we stole it, but it isn't a bad ethos.

However, I and a few others had serious concerns because of events we witnessed first hand where the wrong kind of leadership was exerted

No-one, whilst travelling with us, has been in trouble with the police (bar being thrown out of grounds for smoking) nor have they been involved in any hooliganism.
If you have seen someone who may have been acting in such a way, let me tell you he didn't travel with me. Don't stereotype. Chinese whispers, or any other "minority" group whispers, can be a dangerous thing leaving lasting damage.

that was wholly positive, got behind the team, was there for fun and enjoyment, that didn't discriminate and excluded people who acted in a racist way or were involved in any form of hooliganism

Wholly positive? you'd be hard pushed to find ANY fan who is wholly positive, unless of course they were delusional, even yourself has moments of weakness viewtopic.php?p=62570#p62570.
Remember the big yellow hands? Who was responsible for them?
Me, sold at cost, no profit, to bring a bit of fun into following the team.

I stopped following any football team in the 80's when hooliganism took over the terraces and anyone who knows me, has no doubt I detest racism.
I and a few others had serious concerns

So to think that I am thought of, and not by a single person either by the sounds of it, as someone who had, not maybe would, but had, been complicit to them I find abhorrent - totally sickens me. The one person who had expressed racism, knew it wasn't accepted and I left him in no doubt it wasn't to happen again. That's called education.

I don't know what lies in the future for The Indies, if anything.

Guilt by association :?:

Oh, and putting "I've got the enormous respect......." is the same as "with all due respect" just before you call someone the worst name you can think of.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

"I and a few others" - No names so I'll take a guess, can't be that difficult.

To think these people were friends. :(
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby darrenlock » Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:48 pm

Well said by the way i like the banner's Accrington does in the stadium.Also Burton's on tuesday night it would be nice for the morecambe away fans to do the same i am thinking of buying materials to do a banner so when i go morecambe away matches i can show it off.

Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Posh » Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:53 pm

Mick you have a message.
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby alwaysright » Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:57 pm

Cant wait to see that .....hehe
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Re: 'Ultras' Type Group

Postby Mark S » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:21 pm

Sorry guys, going to lock this thread.

If anyone wants to start a new positive thread about fans uniting and getting behind the lads then they are welcome.

Any underlying issues can be sorted by PM.

'If the kids are united, they will never be divided' a wise man once said.
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