by bigreddog » Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:58 pm
I know this might be a bit stuck record but it's worth saying again: Morecambe Town/Parish council will be as well as, not instead of Lancaster City Council. Those who got the petition together to push for this new tier of local government say that they made that clear to the people who signed it. The subsidy or "special expenses" that some people keep making reference to is a means by which the whole district subsidises the parish areas. these special expenses were voted to be abolished at the same council meeting that set up the town council (though they will be reviewed later). So the up shot of all of this is that there will be an interim group set up from April 1st and then elections on 4th June (same day as county and european elections). the body will cost every household extra tax - even though some have suggested it wouldn't cost a penny ( a suggestion made in good faith I think, they just didn't understand local government funding). They will have to fund their admin costs, rental of rooms, elections and whatever services they want to provide. so not free by any stretch of the imagination.
the text book things that a parish council will do is below for the anoraks. but P/T it wont be anything to do with emptying your bins mate.
What is a Parish or Town Council?
A Parish or Town Council is elected by the public to represent a town or parish area. It consists of at least five Councillors (number set by the district council) elected once every four years. It is a local authority in its own right but has far less powers and responsibilities than principal authorities such as Lancaster City Council and Lancashire County Council.
A Parish or Town Council has the ability to obtain its income by precepting (adding a levy) to the Council Tax that is collected from residential properties in its area. They can also apply for grants, let property and make investments and fundraise. A Parish or Town Council normally employs at least one officer known as a Parish or Town Clerk to carry out its business.
The powers of a Parish or Town Council are set out clearly in law. The following list gives an indication of the type of things they can do:
* Maintain cemeteries and parks
* Provide bus shelters, car and bike parking, seats, litter bins, clocks, cctv, public toilets, public lighting and footway lighting.
* Make byelaws e.g. public open spaces and control of dogs
* Make grants to voluntary organisations,bus services and the Police
* Establish Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and car sharing schemes
* Run a lottery
* Contribute to traffic calming measures
* Plant trees, shrubs etc and lay out grass verges.
* Establish, operate and provide parks, recreation grounds, theatres, community centres etc
* Put on entertainment and events to further arts and crafts.
* Encourage people to visit an area
* Incur expenditure e.g. wreaths on Armistice Day or employing a village sweeper etc.
Town and Parish Councils are also consulted on many issues affecting their area e.g. planning applications, diverting or 'stopping up unclassified roads, footpaths or bridleways.