Chester versus Tranmere

Chester versus Tranmere

Postby Bare bum » Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:33 pm

Having recently and very recently availed ourselves of the hospitality of both these clubs I'd like to share our experiences.

Drove to both after work and arrived, in both cases, almost exactly on time, at 7.00 pm. At Chester I drove into the car park and wound down my window, cheerily greeting the car park attendant, relieved at having got there almost on time. He just looked at me and said "£4.00". Ignoring his minimalist social skills I asked if we could park right next to the away stand, because we had a kid with us who was on crutches. "You can park where you like, pal" he cheerlessly replied. Having parted with our 4 quid we drove to right behind the away stand, got out, got David onto his crutches and walked to the stand, discovering that the away stand was closed and tonight's away supporters were to be housed "round the corner". We set off and discovered we had to the walk the full length of the ground to the open turnstiles.
Do you think the stewards / attendants might have been more helpful? Arriving at the turnstiles, the two lads in our party who were not on crutches had run ahead and by the time we had got there had been charged £5.00 each, even though the club had advertised children free admission (with adults). When I asked the unhappy looking operator if it wasn't free for kids, he immediately got defensive and said "You don't have to come in if you don't want" and besides "they were too far ahead of us for the free offer". I suggested, perhaps, he was being a bit jobsworthy about this he threatened to call the police "cos he doesn't have to take abuse from my type". Wanting to see the match we paid another £25 and went in with me, by this time, turning a bit Victor Meldrewish and again being surrounded by unfriendly stewards as if I was a one man "firm".
Total cost £39 and treated like sh1te.

Tranmere, however was completely the opposite. This time the car park attendant was dead friendly, telling us if we had a coin we could flick it for payment - tails we pay, heads we get in free, when it came down tails he said we better flick again cos it was a bit dark. The smiling turnstile operators got the two kids in for £3 each and volunteered to charge us as seniors (even though I'm clearly not!) £5 each and had good craik with us to boot.
Total cost, with one less kid, £16 and treated like humans.

What is it with Chester? I feel like not bothering there again.
A lilo, almost as nice as a puppy
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Re: Chester versus Tranmere

Postby Mark S » Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:44 pm

Quite clearly you are a thug of the highest order!

Those poor guys at Chester were obviously petrified of you, and rightly so! Chester is a peace loving club and that eminates from The Chairman down. "You can park where you like" is a good example of their free natured ways. I am sure they were handing flowers out the last time I was there.

The Stewards at Tranmere had been given your description and decided they didnt want any bother from you.
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Re: Chester versus Tranmere

Postby slackAlice » Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:46 pm

I also went to both and thankfully didn't have any problems at either. I tell you what though I would write to Chester Football club and let them know about how you were treat , its worth a stamp, and tell them you won't be coming to the next match Vs Morecambe and why. Its appalling what you have to put up with when you think about it - customer service ? I mean its not like there overun with 'customers' rushing to get in - there was less than a thousand at that game - if you got that treatment at a store / shop you'd take action. I'd write to the club.
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Re: Chester versus Tranmere

Postby thegentlegiant » Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:22 pm

slackAlice wrote:I tell you what though I would write to Chester Football club and let them know about how you were treat , its worth a stamp, and tell them you won't be coming to the next match Vs Morecambe and why. Its appalling what you have to put up with when you think about it - customer service ? I mean its not like there overun with 'customers' rushing to get in - there was less than a thousand at that game - if you got that treatment at a store / shop you'd take action. I'd write to the club.

I have to agree with slack there write to the club....They must be bitter that we are the friendliest club in the country!!!!!
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Re: Chester versus Tranmere

Postby The Marksman » Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:19 pm

Bare bum wrote:Having recently and very recently availed ourselves of the hospitality of both these clubs I'd like to share our experiences.

Drove to both after work and arrived, in both cases, almost exactly on time, at 7.00 pm. At Chester I drove into the car park and wound down my window, cheerily greeting the car park attendant, relieved at having got there almost on time. He just looked at me and said "£4.00". Ignoring his minimalist social skills I asked if we could park right next to the away stand, because we had a kid with us who was on crutches. "You can park where you like, pal" he cheerlessly replied. Having parted with our 4 quid we drove to right behind the away stand, got out, got David onto his crutches and walked to the stand, discovering that the away stand was closed and tonight's away supporters were to be housed "round the corner". We set off and discovered we had to the walk the full length of the ground to the open turnstiles.
Do you think the stewards / attendants might have been more helpful? Arriving at the turnstiles, the two lads in our party who were not on crutches had run ahead and by the time we had got there had been charged £5.00 each, even though the club had advertised children free admission (with adults). When I asked the unhappy looking operator if it wasn't free for kids, he immediately got defensive and said "You don't have to come in if you don't want" and besides "they were too far ahead of us for the free offer". I suggested, perhaps, he was being a bit jobsworthy about this he threatened to call the police "cos he doesn't have to take abuse from my type". Wanting to see the match we paid another £25 and went in with me, by this time, turning a bit Victor Meldrewish and again being surrounded by unfriendly stewards as if I was a one man "firm".
Total cost £39 and treated like sh1te.

Tranmere, however was completely the opposite. This time the car park attendant was dead friendly, telling us if we had a coin we could flick it for payment - tails we pay, heads we get in free, when it came down tails he said we better flick again cos it was a bit dark. The smiling turnstile operators got the two kids in for £3 each and volunteered to charge us as seniors (even though I'm clearly not!) £5 each and had good craik with us to boot.
Total cost, with one less kid, £16 and treated like humans.

What is it with Chester? I feel like not bothering there again.

Great. I got two tickets for the Chester game for my 30th :(
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Re: Chester versus Tranmere

Postby parceldave » Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:23 pm

What do you mean you clearly dont look like a senior , have you no mirrors in your house old man. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Chester versus Tranmere

Postby morecambe mick » Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:33 am

parceldave wrote:What do you mean you clearly dont look like a senior , have you no mirrors in your house old man. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He uses them about as often as you use yours in your van :lol: :lol:
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