At my table was (time to google) Natalie Bassingthwaite and her boyfriend and fellow Rogue Trader Cam. Matt Lee (my ex student and so you think you can dance judge) My sister in law Leah howard (Oz top choreographer at the mo) I think I was the least famous person there.
Jeff Fenech was in the Bridal party, I work in the same centre as his brother Mario ex souths player, Brian McFadden who I mentioned earlier, Jackie O looked hot and Tamara the bride (another of my ex students) looked stunning. Don't really know her husband Kyle, he comes over as being a rude and arrogant bugger but away from the TV and radio he's a quiet chap, and a decent human being.
Of course the booze was free and there was a bottle of Scotlands finest on each table, I was on my best behavior so took it easy.
My imbibation for the evening was.
Starting at 6.00 pm and I left at 11.30pm
4 glasses champers.
Just about a bottle of red wine.
2 x 375 ml tooheys old beer (I got thirsty after the prawns)
about 300 mls of scotch ( a measure in the pub is about 30ml)
Litre of water.
So I wasn't out to get wrecked or owt just a quiet few with friends,. although the next morning I could hear an argument between the grape and grain about who was going to fix my headache.
That Darren (Mr Papparazzi) Lyons was there, didn't speak to him. dodgy hair cut eh!!.
Talking about hair, seemed like Sammy gave the hairdryer treatment to our lot at half time against Lincoln, different team int 2nd half, mind I bet Sam hasn't seen a hairdryer for many a year. Imps V Shrimps (lol) should've been Imps V Gimps int 1st bit, after the interval and during act 2, I thought we could've won it. Still undefeated in 5 eh. Not bad for a team like Morecambe eh

Got a phone call from Sally from the Ballet earlier, would I go and help her with her choreography for a new show she's doing, The little minx knows Mrs Aspers is away.
1st met Sally back in 88 when I was in phantom, perky thing she was, long curly blonde hair, smouldering eyes, she still looks good 30 years and kilos later on, mind we all do don't we, (All right fuck off!!!).
Rugby league grand final on this Sunday Manley Sea Eagles V Melbourne Storm, can't wait to not watch it, mind last weeks grand final in Aussie Rules Geelong V Hawthorn was brilliant.
Hawks beat red hot faves the cats in a good old dirty physical biff city game.
May go for a swim at Bondi Beach in the morning, around 6 ish, If you look at the Bondi North webcam at 9.00pm tonight you may see me, I'll be the svelt one in blue speedo's, I might even wear my Morecambe shirt so you can pick me out.
I see a croc has nabbed some guy up North, i was in Litchfield National park in 2002, swimming away in a Billabong, I had a snooze with my feet dangling in the water, beautiful day I spent there with Bec Lavelle Oz country singer and her fiancee Dazza, 2 weeks later it was on the news some German Tourist got killed by a croc at the Billabong where we were.
Another time I was fishing in Oberon Dam (I kid you not there is a small village near it called Titania) I noticed a movement in the bushes and there was a King Brown slithering towards me, I slowly stood up and grabbed my 6 iron (brought for just this purpose) cooked a bit of it on the barbie, not bad, had to put lots of lea and perrins on it. I guess if you go into their habitat watch out.
The Sleaze ball is coming up. This is a fund raiser for the Gay and Lesbian community where beautiful and some not so beautiful parade around Fox studios nearly naked and in all sorts of S & M stuff, There is then an all night party. I usually bail out at 11.00pm get ont thinternet for the football, go to bed and turn up at 8.00am just in time for breakfast and one of the many after parties.
because I sponsor it ( free rehearsal room hire) I get invited to all the good bits. I usually give my tickets away, I'm not a friend of Dorothys so I shouldn't waste a ticket.
Talking of freebies I've got 8 tickets for Drallion by cirque du soleill next Tuesday, looking forward to that and seeing the tattod Sheila who I flirt outrageously with in Gloria Jeans. She dances in the show. 25 years ago I would've already shagged her and half her mates, now I just want a cup of coffee with her, don't get me wrong, the minds willing but thats about it.
I'm home with Miss 16 going on too big for her boots, learning to drive she is, she stopped in the middle of a roundabout the other day. I don't know what to do now dad she said, just put your foot on that pedal on the right and lets move on love I said to her. She drove over the top of the roundabout, I gently explained to her where she went wrong, stop nagging dad your worse than mum, cooking fids.
Its really warm tonight, may sleep with my balcony doors open (ooh look at me I've got a balcony off my bedroom) only problem is mozzies, little bstards.
Life can be a bugger sometimes.
Love to you and yours
as always